Prof. Dr. P. David Eckersall



Place of employment


Division of Animal Production and Public Health, Institute of Comparative Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow, Bearsden Rd, Glasgow, G41 4HQ, UK


Education and position

1973 - graduated from the University of Liverpool with a BSc (Honours) in Biochemistry

1977  -   PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Edinburgh.

His doctoral studies on ‘Lipid Mobilising Factor in Domestic Animals’ was undertaken in the Animal Breeding Research Organisation, the forerunner of the Roslin Institute.

1980  -   appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Glasgow Veterinary School in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry

2002  -  Professor of Veterinary Biochemistry in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies.


Research activity

His studies have integrated protein biochemistry with the development of diagnostic tests for use in veterinary clinical pathology laboratories which has stimulated his interest in the detection, measurement and application of assays for the acute phase proteins, important biomarkers of the innate immune system in many species of domestic animals.  He has recently co-ordinated a European Union Concerted Action on the harmonization of these assays in bovine and porcine serum and is also co-ordinating an EU Shared Cost project to determine the value of the acute phase proteins in monitoring of health and welfare during pig production.


Professional societies