Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ch. SIWICKI, V.M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

Place of employment 

Department of Microbiology and Clinical Immunology - head of Department,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
Oczapowskiego St. 13,
10-719 Olsztyn, Poland


Department of Pathology and Immunology – head of Department,
National Inland Fisheries Institute,
Zabieniec near Warsaw, 05-500 Piaseczno, Poland.


Date and place of birth

7 July 1953, Przemysl, Poland.


Marital status

Married, 3 children.



1968-1972      High School in Zamosc.
1972-1978      University of Agriculture in Lublin,
                       Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
                       Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
1978-1980      University of Agriculture in Lublin,
                       Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
                       Surgical Clinic – assistant.
1980               Department of Pathology and Immunology,
                       National Inland Fisheries Institute,
                       Zabieniec near Warsaw – assistant.
1983               Ph.D. Title of doctor dissertation: New anaesthetic for fish,
                       Supervisor: Professor VMD E. Szeligowski.
                       Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University (SGGW) Warsaw.
1990               Habilitation, D.Sc. - "Modulation of cellular and humoral immunity by levamisole".
                       Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University in Olsztyn.
                       Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine.
1995               Professor of Veterinary Medicine - President of Republic of Poland nomination.


Scientific activity

Author or co-author of over 420 publications: over 200 original papers, 7 books and about 220 articles and scientific communications.


Fields of interest

·        comparative clinical and experimental immunology,

·        comparative immunotoxicology and immunopathology,

·        diagnosis of bacterial and viral diseases in aquatic animals and mammalian,

·        prevention and therapy of infection diseases in aquatic animals and mammalian,

·        modulation of defence mechanisms and protection against infectious diseases by natural and synthetic products,

·        restoration of immunity after suppression induced by xenobiotics,

·        develop a new generation of vaccines and control of effectiveness of the vaccine in different systems of application.


I develop a new possibility in the comparative immunotoxicology with the new in vitro and in vivo methods for control of effect of environmental contamination on the defence mechanisms and protection against infectious diseases.


I attended scientific training and mission in:

-         USDI, National Fish Health Research Lab. Leetown WV, USA,

-         Department of Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel,

-         Toyama Research Institute, Japan,

-         Department of Cells Biology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands,

-         Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Lyon, Unite de Toxicologie Metabolique et d'Ecotoxicologie, Marcy L'Etoile France,

-         Laboratoire Deaprtemental d’Analyses, LDA 39, France.


I am an active member of Polish and International Organizations:

-   Polish Society for Immunology and Experimental Therapy (president of Section Immunotoxicology and Immunomodulation),

-   European Association of Fish Pathologist (regional Official),

-   Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences (chairman of Immunology Section),

-   World Society of Veterinary Medicine,

-   European Aquaculture Association,

-   Polish Society of Pathologists,

-   expert and national co-ordinator of Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation (FAO),

-   member of the New York Academy of Sciences.