in Warsaw, a man of Swedish descent.
In 1929, Hjalmar Uggla began his scientific career, as a student, at the
Department of Soil Science at the University of Agriculture in Warsaw (SGGW),
from which he graduated in 1933. Between the years 1935-1939, his work was
focused on the classification of soils of Polesie, and later on the soils of
Kujawy. The results of his survey were two papers about forests and soils of
Polesie (1937) and about alluvial soils of the Horyń river (1939). From 1940 to
1945, H. Uggla worked on a farm in Milanówek, close to Warsaw, where he wrote a
monograph about the black earths of Kujawy.
After the Second World War, he worked at the Department of Soil Science at
the University of Agriculture in Warsaw, and his research primarily concerned
forest soils. In 1950, he defended his PhD thesis on the soils and sites of the
experimental forest station of Rogowo.
In the same year, he became the head of the Department of Soil Science at
the Higher Agricultural School in Olsztyn. In 1954 he gained the title of docent
(associate professor) and in 1958 the title of professor. His research work
concerned the origin and classification of soils, soil erosion, soil fertility,
soil protection and soil cartography. The results of the soil survey include a
number of papers and maps. He mapped the soils of Olsztyn Province, as well as
parts of Szczecin and Koszalin Provinces. He and his co-workers elaborated the
map of soils of north-eastern Poland (1:600 000), the map of Polish soils (1:500
000) and many others.
Professor Uggla and his team also prepared a work on “Areas of the
north-eastern Poland threatened with water erosion” and monographs “General
description of soils of the Mazurian Lakeland” and “The black earths of the
Kętrzyn area” (co-author T. Witek).
Organic soils were an important part of his work, especially gyttja soils
(soils formed from lake-bottom sediments). He was the first in Poland who
described and evaluated these soils. Additionally, he described the soils formed
from the calcareous gyttja as “post-lacustrine calcareous soils”. Many papers
were also devoted to Luvisols and sandy rusty soils. During his scientific work,
prof. Uggla paid special atttention to forest soils. The results of this are a
number of papers and student books. In the 1970s, he focused on protection of
forest soils and description of so-called soil reference areas.
Prof. Uggla was the supervisor of about 200 diploma theses (including 11
PhD theses), he was a member of the International Society of Soil Science and a
founder of the Olsztyn Branch of the Polish Society of Soil Science.
The Council For the Righteous of the World, part of the
Yad Vashem
memorial institute in Jerusalem, Israel, decided at the session of May 6, 2007
to award to Ludwika and Hjalmar Uggla the medal of Righteous among the Nations
as recognition that at risk to their own lives they were saving Jews persecuted
during the year of the Nazi occupation.
Between 1939-1945 the Uggla family lived in Milanówek, a suburban town
near Warsaw. They arranged a hiding place in the cellar of their home, where
they saved from certain death about 50 Poles, many of them Jews. The decoration
ceremony took place in Warsaw, December 16, 2007.
Ogólna charakterystyka gleb Pojezierza Mazurskiego
[General characteristic of the soils of the Mazurian Lakeland]. 1956. Zesz. Nauk. WSR,
Olsztyn, 1: 15-54.
Czarne ziemie Kętrzyńskie [The black earths of the
Kętrzyn area]. 1958. Zesz. Nauk. WSR Olsztyn, 3: 69-108 (co-author T. Witek).
Erläuterungen zur neuen Bodenkarte Polens im Masstab 1:100 000.
1958. Cercetari de Pedologie Lucrarils Conferentei de Pedologis. Bucuresti,
septembrie 1958. Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romine: 105-112.
Erläuterungen zum Vorschlag der Systematik der hydromorphen Böden.
1964. Rocz. Glebozn. 14, Supplement: 225-248.
Über die
Torf- und Gyttjamurschböden Polens.
1967. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift d. Universität Rostok,
16: 105-115.
Gyttjaböden in Nordpolen. 1964. Bucharest,
Romania, 8th International Congress of Soil Science, 5: 619-633.
Untersuchungen über Winderosion mittels des Deflameters D-2.
1964. (co-author H. Piaścik). Bucharest, Romania, 8th
International Congress of Soil Science: 679-689.
and muck soils of the gyttja moorland at Gązwa.
1968. Rocz. Glebozn. 18(2): 369-414. English translation published for the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. by
the Foreign Scientific Publications Department of the National Center for
Scientific, Technical and Economic Information, Warsaw, Poland, 1973.
der Murschprozesse auf die Eigenschaften der Humusstroffe in Gyttjaböden.
1968. Rocz. Glebozn 19, Supplement (co-author Z.
Mirowski): 149-161.
einige Eigenschaften des Humus in Kiefernwaldböden.
1968. Rocz. Glebozn. 19, Supplement.
Erläuterugen zur neuen Bodenkarte Polens im Massetab 1:500 000.
1970. Beiträge zur Bodensystematik unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung reliktischer und
rezenter Markmale. nr 102, Berlin (co-author
B. Dobrzański): 159-163.
Micromorhology of gyttja muck soil of Jawty Małe.
1972. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Roln. 123 (co-authors Z. Róg, T. Wocławek):
Dinamika obsychania
szimanija i smačiwanija wodoj muršewych počw obrazowannych iz detritnoj
gittii. (in Russian).
1974. Rocz. Glebozn. 25, Supplement (co-author T. Wocławek): 197-206.
in verschiedenen Standrotsverhältnissen.
Transaction of the 10th International Congress of Soil Science, VII, Moscow
(co-authors Z. Ferczyńska, Z. Róg): 228-238.
Pojezierza Mazurskiego. [Rendzinas in the
Mazurian Lakeland]. 1976. Rocz. Glebozn. 27(2): 113-125.
Waldbodengesellschaften in einigen Kleinlandschaften des Masurischen Seengebiets.
1977. Proceedings of the Symposium “Soil as a Site
Factor for Forests of the Temperate and Cool Zones”. September 5-7, 1977,
Zvolen, Vol. 1, Working group ”Forest
Soils” of the International Society of Soil
Science (co-author Z. Ferczyńska-Uggla): 222-235.
Gleboznawstwo leśne z zarysem geologii, mineralogii i petrografii
[Forest soil science with the basis of geology, mineralogy, petrography]. 1955.
PWRiL, Warszawa.
Gleboznawstwo leśne ogólne [General forest soil
science]. 1966. PWRiL, Warszawa (co-author A. Musierowicz).
Gleboznawstwo leśne szczegółowe [Detailed forest
soil science]. 1965. PWRiL, Warszawa.
Gleboznawstwo rolnicze [Agricultural soil
science]. 1975. PWN, Warszawa.
Gleboznawstwo leśne [Forest soil science]. 1979.
PWRiL, Warszawa (co-author Z. Uggla).