Udział pracowników Katedry Kryminologii i Polityki Kryminalnej w projekcie „Cross Border Crime Detection Officer (FRONTEX), Warszawa, 30 stycznia-1 lutego 2018 r.”


W dniach 30 stycznia-1 lutego 2018 r. pracownicy Katedry Kryminologii i Polityki Kryminalnej – dr hab. Piotr Chlebowicz i dr Maciej Duda wzięli udział w projekcie „Cross Border Crime Detection Officer” realizowanym przez FRONTEX.

Notka prasowa dotycząca projektu:

European Union Member States’ and Frontex experts have just met in Warsaw to discuss the profile and training of the cross-border crime detection officer. This is one of new profiles to be deployed by Frontex at the external border operations. The cross-crime detection is a broad topic which requires versatile expertise. The kick-off training meeting brought together many experienced experts with extremely interesting and various backgrounds as regards crime combatting: stolen vehicles; people smuggling, illicit weapons, drugs, tobacco and alcohol as well as nuclear material smuggling; trafficking in human beings, terrorism and other areas. Countering terrorism is one of the key components of cross border crime prevention. Cross-border crime detection, including terrorism detection is a vital component of the European Integrated Border Management strategy. See also Frontex Twitter account for more. It’s exciting to observe this interesting project develop with an engagement of so many excellent experts. Fight against terrorism in general and Foreign Terrorist Fighters in particular are next on the agenda. Especially that the terrorism component is a very important area in the work of cross-border crime detection officers.

Agnieszka Biegaj
Senior Coordinating Officer at Frontex

Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie