



27.04. 2022 – 30.04. 2022

Brno University of Technology  – Brno, Czechia

The last meeting took place at the Brno University of Technology, Czechia.

Content of the meeting: Presentation of the project and dissemination of findings to Czech audience. Introduction of involved universities and their portfolia to increase mutual mobility and cooperation.

The workshop: Students and academics of FCE BUT. Other parties intended in the project proposal (representatives of Czech professionals, NGOs and authorities) were not involved due to uncertainties related to gradually changing COVID-19 restrictions. The participants (excluding project team) included 4 academics and 20 students.

The meetings: Staff of BUT FCE, AdMaS research centre and Mendel University, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. Overall, 7 academics (excluding project team) participated in the meetings.

Seminar on Adoption of V4 buildings to nZEB standard using natural and bio-based materials

28 April 2022,

Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveří 331/95, Brno, Czech Republic, room D205.


9:00 – 9:10 Welcome

9:10 – 9:40 Replacing EPS with natural insulation materials: Environmental impacts, availability and costs (Karel Struhala, BUT in Brno, CZ)

9:40 – 10:10 Development of a bio facade panel and its use in temporary construction (Lukáš Bosák, STU Bratislava, SK)

10:10 – 10:20 Break and refreshments

10:20 – 10:50 Performance and technical value analysis of natural thermal insulation materials (Balázs Nagy, BME Budapest, HU)

10:50 – 11:20 Thermal properties of natural materials as loose-fill insulations (Piotr Kosiński, UWM Olzstyn, PL)

11:20 – 11:30 Closing of the workshop

13:30 – 15:00 Visit to laboratories at AdMaS research centre

Presentations (click to download):

  • Karel Struhala – Environmental impacts of natural construction materials
  • Balázs Nagy – Characterisation, application and technical value analysis of natural and recycled thermal insulations
  • Piotr Kosiński – Thermal properties of natural materials as loose-fill insulations
  • Lukáš Bosák – Development of a bio facade panel and its use for temporary constructions
  • Piotr Kosiński – Regulations for building materials in Poland regarding natural based insulations

Adoption of v4 building stocks to nZEB standard using natural and bio-based materials Seminar on adoption of V4 building stocks to nZEB standard using natural and bio-based materials.

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe. Visegrad Grant No. 22010231