Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations of the 19th Scientific and Technical Conference - Design and Operation of Food Processing Machines BEMS 2020

Mikołajki (Stare Sady 4), 8-11 September 2020.

§ 1. General Provisions

1.1. The 19th Scientific and Technical Conference, Design and Operation of Food Processing Machines BEMS 2020, hereinafter referred to as the Conference, will be held on
8-11 September 2020 at the Robert’s Port Hotel in Stare Sady 4, 11-730 Mikołajki. The Conference will be organized by the Department of Heavy Duty Machines and Research Methodology, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the SPOMASZ Polish Society of Food Engineering and Technology with a registered seat in Lublin 20-6120, ul. Głęboka 28 (room No. 157), hereinafter referred to as the Organizers.

1.2. The Organizers reserve the right to amend the Conference program and these Rules and Regulations, and they undertake to notify the Conference Participants of any changes therein.

1.3. These Rules and Regulations are an integral part of the Conference registration process, and they apply to all Participants.

1.4. The Conference is open to all people involved in agri-food processing, in particular the design and operation of food processing machines and equipment, process line design, food engineering, commodity science, and research on the characteristics of agricultural raw materials and agri-food products.

1.5. Each Participant will receive a certificate confirming his/her participation in the Conference.

§ 2 Participation

2.1. The Participants can register for the Conference by filling in a registration form available on the Organizers’ website ( The registration form included in Circular No. 1 can also be filled in and sent by e-mail or by post.

2.2. To register for the Conference, the Participants should provide their personal data, i.e. full name, post, affiliation/institution, e-mail address and (optionally) company phone number.

2.3. The Organizers will not be held responsible for erroneous or false data submitted by the Participants during registration.

2.4. The registration deadline is 31 March 2020. The Conference has a limited capacity (participants will be registered on a first come-first served basis), and the registration period may be shortened.

2.5. To register for the Conference, the Participants should fill in and submit a registration form and pay the conference fee to the Organizers’ bank account indicated on the Conference website ( and in Circular No. 1.

2.6. The Conference fee is: – for members of the SPOMASZ Polish Society of Food Engineering and Technology, and doctoral students – PLN 1 400, – for the remaining participants – PLN 1 450.

– członkowie PTIiTPS „SPOMASZ” i doktoranci – 1 400 PLN,

– pozostali goście – 1 450 PLN.

2.7. The Conference fee covers Conference participation, Conference proceedings, full-board accommodation, and additional events. The Conference fee does not cover publication fees in scientific journals.

2.8. The Organizers will issue a VAT invoice for the amount paid by the Participant.

2.9. The registration will be cancelled if the Participant fails to pay the full Conference fee by the indicated deadline.

2.10. The Conference fee will not be reimbursed if the Participant does not attend the Conference.

2.11. The Organizers will not be held responsible for any statements made by the Participants which reflect solely the Participants’ own views and opinions.

§ 3 Photography permission

3.1. The Organizers may take photographs and film videos of the Conference for archiving, promotional and advertising purposes.

3.2. Passive participation in the Conference implies that the Participants give their free and unending consent, which will be unlimited in quantity, time or territory, to the processing, copying and distribution of Conference photographs and videos featuring the Participants for archiving, informational, promotional and advertising purposes. The Participants consent to the fact that Conference photographs and videos may be displayed online, in particular on the Conference website.

§ 4 Final provisions

4.1. The Conference fee will be fully reimbursed by transfer to the bank account indicated by the Participant if the Conference is cancelled due to reasons for which the Organizers assume full and exclusive responsibility.

4.2. The Organizers reserve the right to use the e-mail address indicated by the Participants during registration to notify the Participants about changes in the Conference program and to forward other information related to the Conference.

4.3. The Organizers will not be held responsible for the loss, damage or theft of the Participants’ belongings during the Conference.

4.4. The Participants will be fully liable for any damage caused to the property in Conference and hotel premises.

4.5. Any conflicts arising from participation in the Conference will be submitted for the consideration of a public court competent for the registered seat of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

4.6. Matters not covered by these Rules and Regulations will be governed by the provisions of the Polish Civil Code.

4.7. These Rules and Regulations come into force on 25 October 2019.

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