Pomoc - ClustalW2


The vendor and version from the JVM:

You should see a pink box above with one line of text that says = something like:

Java =ersion: 1.1.4 from Microsoft Corp.  or
Java Version 1.4.2_05 from =un Microsystems Inc.  or
Java Version: 1.3.1 from =pple Computer, Inc.
Java Version: 1.1.5 from Netscape Communications Corporation

For actual results, see expected output.

Example of enabling =ava in Internet Explorer (Windows)


Examples of Enabling Java in Firefox =Windows/Linux)



Example of Enabling java in Mozilla (Windows)


Example of Enabling java in Safari (Mac)



Right-click =n the area below for options!

To use this =ption you will need to input a sequence alignment. Please make sure this =lignment is in PIR or PHYLIP format. ALN and GCG MSF files are not supported so you =ill have to convert your MSF files to PIR format with, for example, GCG's =oPir:

topir pileup.msf{*} -outf=pileup.pir 

Please refer to the GCG =ocumentation to find out how to use this program correctly. You may then use this =ile as input (cut and paste or upload) to this service.
The method used =s the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First you calculate =istances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from a multiple =lignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
This option =llows you to choose the following output formats for the tree:
In order to view these trees you must =ave a program capable of displaying the data. Please refer to this pages =ection on OUTPUT=for more information.
