Jacek Kil


 Najważniejsze publikacje:

  1. Kowalczyk C., Kil J., Kurowska K., 2019, Changes in land plot morphology resulting from the construction of a bypass: the example of a Polish city, Sustainability 11(10), 2987, doi.: https://doi.org.10.3390/su11102987
  2. Kowalczyk C., Kil J., Kurowska K., 2019, Dynamics of development of the largest cities - evidence from Poland, Cities 89, pp. 26-34, doi.: https://doi.org.10.1016/j.cities.2019.01.018
  3. Kowalczyk C., Kil J., Moldovan C., 2018, Comparison of changes in urbanized areas in Poland and Romania, Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, pp. 56-72, ISSN 1221-1249