
ISSN: 2080-4547

Number of ministerial points: 6 points

“Meritum” is the journal of the Scientific Society of Doctoral Students – Historians of the Institute of History and International Relations of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

The supervisor of the Scientific Society of Doctoral Students – Historians of the University of Warmia and Mazury and of “Meritum” is Prof. Norbert Kasparek, PhD.

Our ambition is to publish not only papers by the representatives of the Olsztyn group of young historians, but also by doctors and professors from other academic and research centres.

The only one, and at the same time the most important criterion for text acceptance is its high subject matter level.

We are planning to publish in our journal materials grouped into the following sections:

- Papers,

- Sources,

- Reviews,

- Reports.

We are also open to any comments addressed to the Editorial Board. They will provide us with an invaluable source of information about the needs of Readers and the value of the journal itself.

We hope that the Readers will appreciate not only the subject matter value of the texts, but also a sincere desire to reach the genesis of events, to recognize the critical point in complicated history of individuals and entire communities. We hope that “Meritum” will reach a wide range of readers (not only among doctoral candidates), and will also find a permanent place among Polish history periodicals.

Currently, the website is available in Polish. We are also planning to offer the website in English and German.

