The current website “Papers in Linguistics” can be found at this address:


MARIA BIOLIK, editor-in-chief (Olsztyn, Poland)

ZOFIA ABRAMOWICZ (Białystok, Poland)

BERNHARD BREHMER (Greifswald, Germany)

MIROSŁAW DAWLEWICZ (Vilnius, Lithuania)


JERZY DUMA (Warsaw, Poland)

CHRISTINA GANSEL (Greifswald, Germany)

AŁŁA KRAWCZUK (Lviv, Ukraine)

JAROMIR KRŠKO (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)



KATARÍNA SERESOVÁ (Bratislava, Slovakia)

WANDA SZULOWSKA (Warsaw, Poland)

SILVO TORKAR (Lublana, Slovenia)

MÁRIA VARGA (Győr, Hungary)

MARIA WOJTAK (Lublin, Poland)

EWA ŻEBROWSKA (Warsaw, Poland)

Information for authors/ policy of the journal concerning authorship

1. We accept research papers on linguistics written in Polish and in other European languages to be published in the journal. We accept papers in the area of: general linguistics, diachronic, synchronic, comparative, cognitive and cultural linguistics, glottodidactics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, linguistic culture, onomastics, semantics, media linguistics and other branches of broadly understood linguistics.
2. The aim of the paper should be to present the opinions of the author and the research information in a clear, concise and reliable manner.
3. Provide original manuscripts, complying with the above described profile of the journal, that have not been previously published and are not currently considered in any editorial procedure, and confirm this fact on the authorship statement.
4. Do not send manuscripts (original or corrected versions) that have been previously submitted to “Prace Językoznawcze”, but were rejected by reviewers and/or the editors.
5. Translations are acceptable, but they must refer to the original and must fully satisfy the copyright law criteria, including the need to obtain and to present to the editors the consent of the copyright owners for the translation to be published by the author in "Prace Językoznawcze”.
6. It is considered plagiarism to use fragments of texts and/or data without recognising the authorship, presented as if the plagiarist was their author. As regards the procedure concerning discovered plagiarism cases, see ethical recommendations.
7. With the ghostwriting firewall, the editors require the authors of the publication to provide their affiliation and to disclose whether somebody else other than the author of the text has developed the concept, collected data etc. and to indicate the person who performed the above mentioned work. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information is on the author submitting the text for publishing.
8. With the guest authorship firewall, in case the text submitted to „Prace Językoznawcze” has two or more authors, the editors require providing the information on the percentage share of individual authors contribution to the publication. The statement should bear signatures of all authors of the text.
9. At the stage of editorial selection, the following submissions shall be rejected for formal reasons, regardless of their subject matter value:
1) papers longer than 40,000 characters (with spaces, abstracts, keywords and references); reviews, overviews, reports longer than 20,000 characters (with spaces, abstracts, keywords and references);
2) texts with language and spelling mistakes;
3) texts that do not comply with the editorial requirements and/or bibliography and footnote rules applicable in “Prace Językoznawcze”.

10. The Editorial Board asks the Authors to number and name all tables, figures and diagrams, e.g. Table 1 and title, Figure 1 and title, Diagram 1 and title, etc. At the same time, the Editorial Board advises that for technical reasons, a table, a figure or a diagram may not always be located in the place specified by the Author. It is recommended that these materials should be placed at the end of the paper and that references to them should be made in the text.
11. If the reviewers express positive opinions, the paper – after the author introduces any required amendments and corrections – shall be sent for printing. If the opinion of reviewers is negative, the text is rejected. If the opinions differ, the Editorial Board, after analysing the reviews, may decide to reject the text (and then the Author is notified of this fact by e-mail) or to send it to receive a third review. If the text is sent to the third reviewer, the Editorial Board shall decide about printing or rejecting the text after obtaining the third opinion. The decision of the Editorial Board is final.
12. After receiving a review, Authors are obliged to respond to the Reviewers’ comments in a written reply if the reviews contain polemical or critical comments, subject matter objections or indicate the necessity to supplement the text. Based upon the analysis of the review, the Editorial Board shall decide whether the reply is necessary and informs the authors by e-mail.
13. After introducing corrections, please provide us with three documents:
1) a reply to the review (if the Author is asked to do so);
2) a version of the paper with corrected or added parts of the text highlighted in yellow, while additional explanations can be included in commentaries;
3) the final, “clean” version of the paper, without highlighting the amendments introduced.

14. The final decision on the publication of the paper shall be taken by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse to publish the paper if the corrections introduced by the Author after the reviews are considered inadequate.
The decision of the Editorial Board to accept or to reject the text is final. The Author shall be notified of the decision by e-mail.
15. Please do not resubmit the same manuscripts. Regardless of their improvement in terms of content and form, texts once rejected by the Editorial Board will not be re-processed in
“Prace Językoznawcze”.

Prace Językoznawcze ISSN 1509-5304 Copyright © 2021
