The current website “Papers in Linguistics” can be found at this address:

Acceptance and preparation of manuscripts for printing

Submissions are accepted throughout the year. The waiting time for editorial and review proceedings as well as publication depends on the number of manuscripts submitted and the duration of the reviewers’ work. Submissions are processed in accordance with the application order. The editor-in-chief of the journal, in agreement with the editor of the given volume, makes the final decision regarding the order of publishing.
Each manuscript submitted for publication is saved in a separate file and archived by the secretary of the editorial office. Printouts and digital versions (saved on a hard drive designated for this purpose) are stored together with reviews and manuscripts revised by the authors in accordance with the recommendations of reviewers.
Submissions should be sent in a digital version to the email address of the journal ( in DOC/DOCX or PDF files. Manuscripts sent to the editorial staff should meet the editing requirements specified below. In the case of manuscripts using non-standard fonts (e.g. for phonetic alphabet), please attach font files allowing their reading and printing.

The editors never use manuscripts rejected at the initial evaluation stage by the editorial board, assessed negatively by reviewers or withdrawn by the authors. They also ensure that the research goals, conceptions and research results as well as any unique research methods contained in the manuscripts are not used by editors, reviewers and others who have direct access to the archived materials.
Papers in Linguistics publishes articles, reviews, discussions, reports and announcements written in Polish and other Slavic languages as well as in English, German and French. The maximum length of a manuscript is 20 pages (formatted according to the journal requirements) and 8 pages for reviews, discussions and reports. The author’s name must be accompanied by the current address (allowing communication by post), e-mail and affiliation (name and location of the institute, faculty or other appropriate organisational unit). In the case of absence of affiliation, the editorial staff uses the term ‘independent researcher’. When an article is published and made available on the Internet, the affiliation and e-mail address of the author are provided.

Style Guidelines
1. One page should contain 30 lines, 60 characters each (including spaces). This also applies to footnotes, quotations and the bibliography (font: 12 pts, 1.5 interline, paragraph indent 10 mm). Margins: upper 25 mm, lower 35 mm, left 35 mm, right 35 mm.
2. The text may contain italicized and bold fragments; however, there should be no fragments that are underlined or written in capitals only.
3. Papers in Linguistics uses the Harvard reference system
4. Numbered footnotes should be placed under the main text on the page to which they refer.
5. References in the main text must contain: the author’s name, year of publication, and page (e.g. Skubalanka 1988: 11).
6. If the author uses endnotes, the bibliography must follow the arrangement below:
- book publications: surname, first letter of name, year of publication, title, place of publication, pages.
- articles: surname, first letter of name, year of publication, article title, journal title, issue number, year, volume, pages, or, if the article is in a collection: collection’s title, editor’s name, place of publication, pages.
7. Tables should be provided on separate pages formatted to A4 size.
8. Digital maps and images (in 1:1 scale) should be incorporated with the manuscript text into a single DOC/DOCX or PDF file. They can also be drawn with black ink lines of the same thickness and fonts of the same size on white tracing paper and attached to the manuscript. Images should be attached in separate JPG in high resolution.
9. The manuscript must include:
-summary in Polish and English of up to half a page
-an English translation of the title
-an abstract with a brief summary of the research (e.g. This article discusses the etymology of the name of the River Narew and its main tributaries in Podlasie.)
-key words: up to 5 words, e.g. linguistics, onomastics, anthroponymy names, word formation, lexicalization; linguistics, descriptive grammar, lexicography, inflection, verb, etc.
The requirements above do not apply to reviews, discussions, reports and announcements.
10. In the case of two or more authors of a manuscript submitted to Papers in Linguistics, the authors are required to define the percentage contribution to the publication. All discovered cases of dishonesty will be disclosed to the relevant authorities (employers, academic institutions, etc.). The editors will document all cases of academic dishonesty especially breaches and violation of ethical standards that must be observed in science.
11. Authors of the manuscript submitted for publication are required to complete a declaration in which they state that:
- it is an original manuscript that has never been published,
- it is not currently subject to any other publishing proceedings,
- it does not break copyrights owned by other persons or institutions,
- its publication and the subsequent open access availability does not bear any financial claims involving the Publisher of the University of Warmia and Mazury,
- the creation of the manuscript did not involve ghost-writing or guest authorship (honorary authorship) understood as the use of someone else’s contribution to the publication without referencing the contributors or the negligible participation of a person presented as the author or co-author of the text.
The declaration is available on the website of Papers in Linguistics.

Prace Językoznawcze ISSN 1509-5304 Copyright © 2021
