
Unlocking the Potential of Bio-based Value Chains in the Baltic Sea Region”


Partnership agreement R095 - the total budget of the project amount 2.79 mln EUR

Duration of the project is from the 1st of January 2019 to 30th of the June 2021


Project financed from the EuropeanRegional Development Fund (ERDF), Russian national funding and Norwegian national funding

In framework of the project seventeen partners from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Norway and the Russian Federation will bring together the producers of biomass and bio-based products, as well as relevant public authorities and policy stakeholders for the implementation of the project.

The BalticBiomass4Value project aims to enhance capacity of public and private actors within the BSR to produce bioenergy in more environmentally sustainable and economically viable way by utilizing new biomass sources (chiefly, biological waste) for energy production, as well as possibilities to use bioenergy side streams for higher value bio-products. Biomass from different sources (agriculture, food and feed industry, forestry, wood industry, municipal waste and sewage sludge, fishery, algae), its logistics, various biomass conversion technologies and value chains will be mapped to identify best practices of bioenergy generation and the potential of more efficient and sustainable deployment of biomass in the BSR.

More information on the official website of project


Project Manager

Prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz Jerzy Stolarski, prof. zw.
Agronomy/Alternative plants/Agri-energy
Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Production Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture Centre for Bioeconomy and Renewable Energies University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Plac Lódzki 3, 10-724 Olsztyn, POLAND
Phone:  48/89 523 48 38