Strona główna
Tematyka pracy naukowej
- algorytmy genetyczne w geotechnice
- metody szacowania stateczności skarp i zboczy
- analiza wsteczna i odwrotna
- zastosowania technologii informatycznych i elektronicznych w geotechnice
Aktualnie realizowane projekty:
Ważniejsze publikacje
- Back analysis assisted by genetic algorithm.
Foundations of Civil and Environmental Engineering 13, 2010.
- The idea of PGA stream computations for soil slope stability evaluation.
Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2010.
- A distributed implementation of parallel genetic algorithm for slope stability evaluation.
Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 17(1), 2009.
- Slope stability analysis by variational method with genetic algorithm application.
Part 4. Parallel genetic algorithms. Archives of Civil Engineering, 2/2009.
- Back analysis in geotechnics - examples of shape determination. Foundations of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 12/2008.
- Slope stability analysis by variational method with genetic algorithm application.
Part 3. Normal stress distribution. Parallel and distributed computing. Archives of Civil Engineering, 2/2008.
- Slope stability analysis by variational method with genetic algorithm application.
Part 2. Genetic algorithm with advanced techniques. Simple modeling of uncertainties. Archives of Civil Engineering, 2/2007.
- Slope stability analysis by variational method with genetic algorithm application.
Part 1: Slopes with homogeneous cohesive soils. Simple genetic algorithm application, Archives of Civil Engineering, 1/2007.
- Utrata stateczności skarpy nasypu drogowego, XXIII KN-T Awarie Budowlane, Szczecin-Międzyzdroje, 2007.
- Przyczyny uszkodzeń budynku mieszkalno-usługowego, XXIII KN-T Awarie Budowlane, Szczecin-Międzyzdroje, 2007.
- Degradacja podłoża gruntowego w wyniku prac studniarskich, XXIII KN-T Awarie Budowlane, Szczecin-Międzyzdroje, 2007.
- Obliczenia statyczne fundamentów płytowo-palowych.
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, seria Budownictwo 28/2006.
- Model tests and numerical simulations of earth pressure of non-cohesive soil in 3D formulation.
Archives of Civil Engineering, 1/2004.
- Model tests of bearing capacity of homogeneous soil limited by rigid layer.
Proc. XIIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Praha, 2003.
- Systeme Interactif de Conception - the new tool of inverse analysis applied in geotechnics.
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 1-2/2003.
Systemy pomiarowo-obliczeniowe
Programowanie / Metody Numeryczne