The Institute of Political Science (IPS) was created as a result of the division of the Institute of Political, Philosophical and Social Sciences into two separate units. It was founded in the ruling by the Rector of the University dated 10th April 2001. The Institute operates within the Faculty of Social Sciences (until 2004 the Institute was a part of the Faculty of Humanities).
The Institute belongs to the youngest, according to the age (the average full professor is 56,0 years old, assistant professor 52,5 years old, doctors 35,4 years old) and to the most developing, according to the scientific achievements (acquiring scientific degrees and numbers of publications) organisational units of the University. The latest success of the Institute on scientific field is a right to grant a doctor’s degree in political science (decision of the Central State Commission to the Scientific Degrees and Titles from 30th March 2009).
According to the legal status from September of 2009 the IPS employs 39 academic teachers: 5 full professors, 8 assistant professors, 22 doctors and 4 lectures with M.A. (who completing postgraduates doctoral programme).