Each registered participant will be entitled to submit one abstract, for a poster or oral.
The meeting’s official language will be Polish (23rd of May) and English (24th of May).
The meeting’s official language will be Polish (23rd of May) and English (24th of May).
Abstracts of oral and posters announcements should be sent by e-mail to smkn_2019@go2.pl by 15th of March 2019.
The abstract file should be saved as follows: name_surname_poster.doc or name_surname_oral.doc (or docx in either case).
Accepted abstracts will be published in the e-Book of abstracts (only abstracts of registered participants will be included).
Please make sure your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Editorial criteria:
Text editor - Microsoft Word,
font - Times New Roman CE,
line spacing - single,
names and surnames of authors - 12 points,
title of the abstract - caps 14 points, in bold,
name of the institution, cathedral or plant, e-mail address - 12 points,
summary text - 12 points, two-sided alignment,
margins: left = 3.0 cm, right, upper and lower = 2.5 cm.
The whole should not exceed one A4 page.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the e-Book of abstracts (only abstracts of registered participants will be included).
Please make sure your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Editorial criteria:
Text editor - Microsoft Word,
font - Times New Roman CE,
line spacing - single,
names and surnames of authors - 12 points,
title of the abstract - caps 14 points, in bold,
name of the institution, cathedral or plant, e-mail address - 12 points,
summary text - 12 points, two-sided alignment,
margins: left = 3.0 cm, right, upper and lower = 2.5 cm.
The whole should not exceed one A4 page.