Main topics

The purpose of the conference is the scientific development, exchange of experiences and introducing participants to the latest achievements in water management and its surroundings, including management of water resources and touristic potential of these areas. This issue is of great importance mostly because of the fact that Olsztyn is situated in the Olsztyn Lake District, being a part of the Masurian Lake District macroregion. The location of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn nearby lakes is the best purpose to conduct practical experiments connected to the water reservoirs, their protection and value for residents and tourists.

The topics of proposed presentations will include:

  • GIS in land management,
  • technologies of spatial data collection,
  • tendencies in land management,
  • social and economic aspects of water management and its surroundings,
  • geography of streams and water reservoirs,
  • management of water resources,
  • water law,
  • tourist geography and water tourism,
  • and more.