Keynote speakers

Ozan Koseoglu

Dr Ozan Koseoglu is Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD). He has extensive experience within AECO (architecture, engineering, construction and operations) sector having worked as client representative for government and private sector ecosystems and authorities, managing large scale investments across lifecycle services. In his most recent role, he was the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Istanbul New Airport. He managed and delivered one of world’s largest airport projects from design to operations in the digital environment; managing the design & engineering; project management/control; quality assurance/control; claims & contract management and executive stakeholder management.

He also worked for the largest private contractor in the UK operating in Europe, the Middle East and Australia while having worked on major projects in diverse sectors such as energy, residential, commercial, education, and manufacturing. Furthermore, he managed and delivered Integrated Digital Solutions to major airports, retail, residential as well as commercial sector projects in the Middle East as design, program and facilities management.
His areas of expertise include Design & Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction Infrastructure, Oil & Gas and Aviation. He shared all experiences and knowledge in his journal papers and recently published a book in 2019 titled ‘Airport BIM’.



Botir Usmonov

Rector of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

PhD of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Degree in Mechanical Engineering - Kazan Technical University (Russian Federation), 1993

Master Degree - Andra University (India) in Mechanics and Information Technology, 1999

Research Program in Mechatronics - Northern Institute of Technology at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (Germany), 2001

PhD Thesis “Mathematical modeling of the impact of a series of shock waves on a stationary body”, 1999

Laureate of the Swiss National Research Foundation, 2009-2010

DSc Thesis “The cluster approach of innovative development integration of the higher education, science and industry”, 2020

Member of the European and International Physicon, Triple Helix Scientific Society.

Research interests:

-creation of a mechanism for innovation development based on the integration of higher education, science and industry;

-establish integration of education, science and production based on cluster approaches,  to increase the effectiveness of research in higher education institutions;

-develop integration of higher education, science and industry in economic development of Uzbekistan, improvement of the theoretical foundations of strategic approaches and principles.



Zebo Babakhanova

Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute

Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor,  Department of Techology of silicate materials, rare and noble metals

Head of International Cooperation Department of institute

Degree in Chemistry – Tashkent State University (Uzbekistan), 1993

PhD Thesis “Phase equilibriums in systems "Mg3(PO4)2-Ca5(PO4)3F" and " Mg3(PO4)2-CaAl2Si2O8" and the development of glasses and glass ceramics on their basis”, 2000

DSc Thesis “Technological fundamentals of refractory materials and composites production based on rare earth elements, graphite and talc-containing raw materials”, 2019

Invited researcher – University of Padova (Italy), Research Program, 2014

International Visitor Leadership Program “Hidden no more: Advancing women in STEAM fields”,  (USA), 2018

Invited Researcher - University of Copengagen (Denmark), 2018

Invited Teacher -   University of Oviedo (Spain), 2019

Invited researcher – Silesian University of Technology (Poland), 2019 

Member of the American Association of Advanced Sciences.

Research interests:

-Material science, Technology of ceramic materials, Composite materials.

-Development of educational system according to international standards.


Miquel Lurling

Associate professor at the Aquatic Ecology & Water Quality Management of Wageningen University and senior researcher at the Aquatic Knowledge Centre Wageningen that translates state-of-the art scientific knowledge into practical solutions for water issues.

Miquel has over 25 years’ experience in aquatic ecology, water quality research and university teaching. His research focuses on eutrophication of surface waters, cyanobacterial blooms, cyanotoxins, and eutrophication control. He is co-chair of the Working Group on Lake Restoration of the International Society of Limnology, Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL)


Irving L. Stackpole, RRT, M Ed

With over 40 years of experience in healthcare, medical and retirement/senior living, Irving Stackpole is the President of Stackpole & Associates, Inc., marketing, market research, customer service and sales training firm.  Irving holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from Stonehill College, a Master's degree from Northeastern University, a Certificate in Advanced Statistical Process Control from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and is a Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Founded in 1991, Stackpole & Associates applies scientific marketing principles to develop practical solutions to clients’ challenges. 

Stackpole & Associates has conducted groundbreaking projects in the US and internationally for private clients, associations, governments and non-governmental organizations. These include Argentum (formerly Assisted Living Federation of America), the Drug Information Association, LeadingAge (formerly American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging), American College of Healthcare Administrators, American Health Care Association, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, American Society of Radiological Technologists, International Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, National Care Forum (UK), European Medical Travel Conference, US Department of Education (Rehabilitation Services Administration), National Health Service (UK), the Korean Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), the Foreign Trade Corporation of Costa Rica (PROCOMER), The Economic Development Commission for the Caribbean and Latin American Countries (ECLAC / United Nations), Healthcare City Medical Cluster, Medellin, Colombia, ProExport Colombia and many others.  This work has resulted in the publication of many articles in national and international publications, and Irving has been interviewed by The Financial Times and Forbes. Mr. Stackpole has lectured and taught at colleges and universities around the world, including Cambridge College, Northeastern University, INCAE and St. Joseph’s College where he is adjunct faculty in the healthcare administration department.

Stackpole & Associates has conducted many successful consulting assignments including:

•           market feasibility studies;

•           strategic planning;

•           customer satisfaction measurement;

•           marketing communications program effectiveness;

•           marketing collateral design & production;

•           marketing plan development and implementation;

•           advertisement development and deployment (print, radio, television & internet);

•           marketing media planning and execution;

•           branding, re-branding, identity & market positioning;

•           customer service assessment & training;

•           market research – qualitative and quantitative, primary and secondary;

•           market segmentation & choice-based modeling (conjoint design);

•           public relations & earned media

•           web site development and internet marketing;

•           social media marketing communications & reputation management

•           sales skill assessment & training; sales management, and;

•           business planning and execution. 

Stackpole & Associates has also completed assignments with governments including the US Department of Education (Rehabilitation Services Administration), National Health Service (UK), the Korean Health Industry Development Institute, PROCOMER (the Foreign Trade Corporation of Costa Rica), ECLAC (the United Nations’ Economic Development Council for the Caribbean and Latin American Countries), the Jalisco Quality Institute of Mexico and PROEXPORT Colombia.  This work has resulted in the publication of many articles in national and international trade magazine and newspapers.

Irving enjoys traveling to experience and learn about different cultures, history and music.  As a lifelong student, Irving is an avid reader exploring business issues with a focus on marketing, demographics, statistics as well as philosophical topics.


Zsombor Boromisza

Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary

Vice-dean of Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism,

Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation

Dr. Zsombor Boromisza is associate professor in the field of landscape architecture. He holds the position of Vice-dean of Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism as well as Head of Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation, and vice-director of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Buda Campus. His research focuses are lakeshore restoration and science communication in landscape protection. He is currently supervisor of 4 PhD students.

Dr. Zsombor Boromisza is the member of Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society, Hungarian Hydrological Society, MTA’s (Hungarian Academy of Science) public body and Hungarian Commitee for the European Landscape Convention. He is certified expert for landscape protection and wildlife conservation. Dr. Boromisza has been awarded several times for his work, including being a national finalist in the FameLab science communication competition and in The Landscape Architect of the Year Award. He also has extensive planning experience, such as tourism development strategies, environmental impact assessments, open-space design plan. His passion is nature/wildlife photography, for which he has also been awarded several times.


Lóránt Dénes Dávid

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Institute of Sustainability and Farming

Department of Sustainable Tourism

Prof. Dr. Lóránt Dénes Dávid was born in 1968, he graduated in History, Geography, European Studies and as a Geography-English Technical Translator. After earning his PhD degree from the University of Debrecen, Hungary in Geography (Earth Sciences) in 2001, he completed the habilitation processes in 3 disciplines (Management and Business Administration, Environmental Sciences, and Regional Sciences). His extensive research has resulted in many prestigious journal articles, studies, papers and books. He is a professor at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary. Furthermore, he has developed an exemplary international professional cooperation network, has served as a guest professor at many universities in Europe and overseas (in all continents in a lot of countries, including USA, Russia, Japan), and has also been an active promoter of Hungary's European and oriental relations. His research fields: tourism, environmentalism, regional studies and sciences, sustainable development, multi-, trans- and interdisciplinary fields.


Givi Gavardashvili

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor

Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University

Director of Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Managemnet Institute of Georgian Tecnical University (2005)

Doctor of Technical Sciences (1996), Pro­fessor (1998), the Academician of Engi­neering Academy (2007)

Honorary Professor China Central Normal University (2015)

Visiting professor of Brest and Minsk (Belarus 2016-2017)

Erasmus+ program Professor Kaunas (Lithuania, 2017),

Visiting professor of Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS – SGGW (Poland, 2018 - 2019)

Research Area

Water Managemnet, Environmental Protection, Hydraulic engineering

Givi Gavardashvili – the Author of more 260 scientific papers, among them 8 monographs in English, French, Russian and Georgian languages, 4 Methodical Guidelines, 2 Methodical recommendation, 3 Manuals (Text-Books). Author of 22 inventions (10 foreign patents) and 30 newspaper articles.  More than 170 Environmental Projects are designed in Georgian Energy and Transport Corridors by him. He is the Expert of more than 20 Projects on Influence on Nature. He is the Chief Scientific Supervisor of 7 Doctors of Academicals Degrees and 4 Master Students from abroad.

Givi Gavardashvili – the Chairman, Co-Chairman and Participant of Grant Projects, Business Development Projects, Congresses, International Symposiums and Con­fer­ences Financed and Supported by Inter­na­tional Orga­ni­zations UNESCO, NATO, EU, SDC, ASCE, UN, FAO, FB and Dedicated to the Problems of Water Re­sources, Natu­ral Dis­asters, Energy Security, Melioration and Envi­ronmental Protection.


Jacek Katzer

PhD of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Centre of Civil Engineering , University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland

Research interests:

Technology of concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, waste aggregates, 3-D printing in civil engineering, lunar soil simulants, lunar concrete.

D.Sc. qualified, highly experienced technologist of concrete. He has a wide experience as a concrete researcher, mix designer, quality controller of concrete production (both ready-mix and precast elements) and concrete technology lecturer. In his role, with The University of Sheffield, UK (2007-2008) he was involved in ECO-Lanes project (concrete pavements based on roller compacted waste fibre concrete) and project concerning precast SIFCON elements dynamically loaded by blasting explosive materials. He has successfully led the development of a new mixes based on fine aggregates and modified by waste steel fibre. He has provided identification of technological problems connected with SFRC to key customers (mainly concrete industrial floors and pre-cast elements producers including concrete pipes) of fibre concrete division of ArcelorMittal in UK. He has successfully delivered technical solutions, expertise advice, scientific and research support to prove viability of the SFRC solutions. He was also responsible for providing quality control services during trial castings and laboratory tests of different kinds of specimens. As a director of Laboratory of Building Engineering at Koszalin University of Technology in Poland apart from being involved in numerous research programmes dealing with ordinary concrete, SFRC, SIFCON,  mortar, Non Destructive Testing of Concrete (wide range of different methods), new methods of designing concrete mixtures, concrete and mortar mixes based on waste materials (e.g. waste sand, raw silica fume, waste steel fibre), he also collaborated with local producers of building materials (pre-cast concrete elements, ready to use mortars, aggregates) and helped them achieve certifications enabling European sales of their products. Apart from his research and testing activities prof. Katzer promoted dozens of M.Sc. and Eng. Thesis, most of which were purely research and innovative. He currently works at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn as a director of a Centre of Civil Engineering at faculty of Geoengineering. His current research interests are focused on two topics: harnessing 3-D printing for civil engineering; lunar soil simulants and lunar concrete-like composites.

Current activities:

- guest editor of  a Special Issue of MATERIALS (MDPI) entitled "Research of Structure and Properties of Concretes Based on Non-conventional Aggregates" (IF = 3.057).

- main organizer of the Central European Civil Engineering Meeting 2021:

Scopus Author ID: 24401094800


Jana Korytárová

PhD of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology

Czech Republic

Research interests:

Evaluation of investment efficiency; cost-benefit analysis; multicriterial analysis; risk management in construction; tendering and bidding in construction

Brief information about of your research experience and field of sciences:

Jana Korytárová publishes extensively in the area of investment economics. Scientific and research activity is in last years focused mainly on valuation of economic efficiency and financial feasibility of business intentions, feasibility studies, cost and benefit analysis, risk and uncertainties analysis, scientific and research projects of basic and applied research focused on problems in civil engineering, mainly on creation of tools – methodologies, rules, standards – for decision making about choice of investment projects from the aspect of their efficiency in public or private sector. Over the last five years, she has published about 60 contributions in internationally recognized research journals and at international scientific conferences as well as domestic conferences and several chapters in monographs and monograph. She was also principal investigator in international research projects. More information about her research activities are:


Andrzej Felski

PhD of Technical Sciences, Full Professor

Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland

Faculty of Navigation and Naval Weapons

Professor at Polish Naval Academy, Captain (Navy, retired) Andrzej Felski was born 1952. He joined the Polish Navy in 1971 as a cadet of Naval College in Gdynia and in 1975 was promoted to Ensign. His first assignment was a watch officer and navigator on board of training ship WODNIK and next year - on new ship GRYF. In that time, he took part in many cruses on Atlantic Ocean, Norwegian, Caribbean, Mediterranean and Black Seas.
In 1980, after his postgraduate studies in Soviet Naval Academy he has started his service in Naval College (later renamed Polish Naval Academy - PNA) on different posts from instructor to professor of navigation. In 1985 he was promoted Doctor of Sciences and in 2001 he has been granted by Polish President with title professor. During the time of military service, he also completed some training and practices on board of special and combat ships as well as in different military institutions. Since October of 1994 till 2006 he has been appointed the deputy Commandant of the PNA (vice rector).
In 2006 Andrzej finishing his military career and afterwards he continued the scientific activity as the civilian scientist at the PNA. Within a period of 2008 to 2016 prof. Felski acted as the Director of Institute of Navigation and Maritime Hydrography at PNA.
Prof. Felski is the specialist of metrological problems of navigation instruments and systems, especially satellite systems applied in marine navigation, marine hydrography as well as in offshore activity. He was a managing person for many grants financed by Polish Governmental Agencies, ESA and Bonus, published 5 books and over 100 papers in such journals as The Journal of Navigation, Geodesy and Cartography, Annual of Navigation, Report on Geodesy, Ocean Engineering, Sensors etc. He was an editor of Annual of Navigation and reviewer for many Polish and foreigner journals. Prof Felski was an mentor of 13 doctors. Besides he is an elected member of the Committee of Geodesy and Committee of Space Researches of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and past President of Polish Navigation Forum. For the period of 2000-2005 Polish Representative to NATO Undersea Research Center – La Spezia, and Expert of Polish Ministry for Higher Education for formulating the new curriculum of the Navigation as an academic degree specialization.
Cpt Felski is married with Halina. Their son Bartek is a doctor of Architecture and their daughter Maya works as legal adviser.


Michele Crosetto

PhD of Technical Sciences

CTTC Catalan Telecommunications Technology Centre, Barcelona, Spain

Remote Sensing Department, Geomatics Division

Michele Crosetto holds a civil engineering degree from the Politecnico di Torino (1993) and a doctorate in Topographic and Geodesic Sciences from the Politecnico di Milano (1998). He specialized in Geodesy, Photogrammetry and GIS in Lausanne (EPFL) and Zurich (ETHZ) from 1993 to 1995. He has worked in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy (January 1999 - July 2000) and as a researcher at the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia. He has formed part of the Institute of Geomatics since 2002. Since January 2014 is with CTTC, where now he is head of the Geomatics Division. His main research activity is related to the analysis of spaceborne, airborne and ground-based remote sensing data and the development of scientific and technical applications using active sensor types. In the last years he has been involved in a number of projects of the 5th, 6th and 7th and H2020 Framework Programmes of EU (Rapsodi, Galahad, SubCoast, PanGeo, Aphorism, Heimdall, MOMIT, GIMS, etc.). In addition, he has been involved in different projects funded by ESA (PSIC4, Terrafirma and Respond). In the frame of Terrafirma he has been the technical coordinator of the Terrafirma Validation Project. He is the coordinator of the Advisory Board of the European Ground Motion Service.


Dogan Ugur Sanli

PhD of Technical Sciences, Professor

Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Faculty of Construction, Department of Geomatic Engineering

Head of Department

Research Areas: Geotechnical Engineering, Measuring Technique, Deformation Measurements, GPS-GNSS, Engineering and Technology.
Dogan Ugur Sanli obtained his PhD from Newcastle University, UK. In his Ph.D. thesis, he focused on global monitoring of sea-level rise with the emphasis on decoupling the vertical crustal motion from the sea level obtained using tide gauges. He then entered the field of GPS positioning accuracy and managed to model the vertical and horizontal accuracy of PPP. He has also continued to co-author sea-level studies. He has been involved in the foundation efforts of a Tsunami Watch Centre of the Eastern Mediterranean under the auspices of Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (NEAMTWS), ITIC, UNESCO. He served as a sea-level expert for the center and joined the sea-level group, which is the 3rd working group under ICG/NEAMTWS. In addition, In the summer of 2019, he was invited to the Institute of Geodesy, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn as a guest member of staff. He worked for the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). He joined the Environmental, Atmospheric, Earth, and Marine Science Research Support Group operating under the Science and Technology Research Project Support Program. Currently, he is continuing his research and teaching activities in the Geomatic Engineering Department of Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey, while also serving as the head of the department.


Andrzej Górniak

Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Poland

Member  of Biology Faculty in University of Białystok (Poland), hydrobiologist  with wide research area: freshwater ecology, organic carbon biogeochemistry, soil science, mycology and climatology. Five PhD dissertations was prepared under his supervision and 4 from his group were promoted with  habilitation.  He is an author of more than 130 papers, 4 books  on limnology and climatology. His hobbies are traveling and lakeland terrier breeding.