Davorin Kereković (Zagreb, Croatia) The Form, the Style and Human Body in Marek Szczęsny's painting

Marek Szczęsny, Akt czerwony (2016), akryl na papierze, 46x65 cm

   The article focuses on the work of Marek Szczęsny. The author presents the basic features of the work of a painter from Toruń NCU. Marek Szczęsny is an artist and painter associated with the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. In his work, he starts from searching for a motif, aiming at a synthesis of elements of magic realism and metaphorical painting. Paying attention to the relationship between painting and drawing, the article aims to say that the artist develops an individual style in the process of working on the form, and that the expression of artistic maturity is the lack of overloading and balancing the plans. The richness of the language of Marek Szczęsny's painting finds its justification in the conscious shaping of the balance of representation and theme, as well as intellectual and emotional control of the humanistic dimensions of the work.