Dawid Misztal

Human Nature in the Narrative of Dystopic Posthumanism
Natura ludzka w narracji posthumanizmu dystopijnego


DOI: https://doi.org/10.31648/hip.319

About author

Dawid Misztal
University of Lodz

Key words

posthumanism, bioconservatism, human nature, biotechnology, Fukuyama, Kass, Sandel Habermas


For the prominent figures of dystopic posthumanism biotechnological progress means not only new possibilities of solving the most nagging problems, but also many extremely dangerous consequences: a modification of social organization, an undermining of morality, and some changes in the way we understand our identity. Thinkers such as Fukuyama, Kass, Sandel and Habermas consider those consequences as a threat to human nature. In the article I examine the way they construct the latter notion (i.e. human nature) in their arguments.

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• BazHum
• Platforma Otwartej Nauki / Platforma Internetowa ICM
• PhilPapers
• Baza Agro

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