Wojciech Markowski

The Contemporary Role of Technology in the Processes of Exclusion and Social Integration
Współczesna rola techniki w procesach wykluczenia i integracji społecznej



DOI: https://doi.org/10.31648/hip.232

About author

Wojciech Markowski
Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn

Key words

technology, technique, social integration, social exclusion, globalization, consumerism, post-industrial society, Precariat, Earth Overshoot Day, Global South, Global North, hyperreality, liberated capital


Technology plays an important role in the process of counteracting social exclusion and leads to it as well. A presentation of these two aspects is the subject of this article, although it cannot be said here that the multifacetedness of the issue has been exhausted. This is a presentation of its essentials from the author’s point of view and an attempt to show the problems involved.

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• ICI World of Journals / ICI Journals Master List (Index Copernicus Value (ICV) za rok 2017 = 80.82)
• PBN – POL-Index
• BazHum
• Platforma Otwartej Nauki / Platforma Internetowa ICM
• PhilPapers
• Baza Agro

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