Pavlo Snopkov

The Philosophy of the Heart by Pamfil Yurkevich. Analysis, Interpretation, Reflection
Filozofia serca Pamfiła Jurkiewicza. Analiza, interpretacja, refleksja



About author

Pavlo Snopkov 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Key words

heart; cordis; syncretism; materialism; idealism; cognition; universalism


The philosophy of the heart, also known as cordocentric, is a position on the fringes of a religious and philosophical discourse. Cordocentrists believe that the human heart is a kind of psychophysical center that plays a key role in the process of self-improvement, both moral and intellectual. Cordocentrism has become an important element of Ukrainian and Russian philosophy. Texts of the Old and New Testaments were a direct source of cordocentrism in the Eastern Slavic culture. One of the most interesting examples of cordocentric thinking is the work of the Russian-Ukrainian philosopher Pamfil Yurkevich. He was sceptical about the assumptions of materialism and idealism, which he criticised from the epistemological point of view. Thus, he sought such positions that would help to achieve a more objective knowledge of the world and man. He believed that such a chancegave the philosophy of heart. Starting from his assumptions, he began to develop his own ethics and the theory of cognition. The purpose of this article is to present the philosopher’s profile, as well as a description and a critical analysis of his most important ideas.

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• ICI World of Journals / ICI Journals Master List (Index Copernicus Value (ICV) za rok 2017 = 80.82)
• PBN – POL-Index
• BazHum
• Platforma Otwartej Nauki / Platforma Internetowa ICM
• PhilPapers
• Baza Agro

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