Krzysztof Sztalt

Moral Dilemmas of Contemporary Culture
Moralne dylematy kultury współczesnej




About author

Krzysztof Sztalt
Wroclaw University

Key words

kryzys kultury, relatywizm, etyka, indywidualizm, rozum instrumentalny, technopol, etyka perfekcjonistyczna


The subject of the article is a reflection on contemporary culture perceived from the ethical perspective. The starting point is the belief about the crisis of European culture, which source would be “the death of God” (Nietzsche) or the defeat of “the Enlightenment project” (Gray). The essence of the crisis of culture is the collapse of previously existing systems of values, which raises a number of moral dilemmas. One of the main features of contemporary culture is the development of individualism, which takes place in the name of freedom, but which has resulted in axiological relativism, led to social atomism and, paradoxically, raises new forms of enslavement. Another important feature of contemporary culture is the dominance of instrumental reason. The consequence of these changes of culture is, on the one hand, ethical confusion, on the other, the threat of human freedom and subjectivity. Is there any good way out of this situation? Perhaps a cure for the moral dilemmas of modernity would be a return to axiological sources. Such an attempt was made by H. Elzenberg in his perfectionist ethics.

Pełny Tekst (PDF)


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• ICI World of Journals / ICI Journals Master List (Index Copernicus Value (ICV) za rok 2017 = 80.82)
• PBN – POL-Index
• BazHum
• Platforma Otwartej Nauki / Platforma Internetowa ICM
• PhilPapers
• Baza Agro

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