Vol. 5, 2007, pp. 340
Nations of XXI century, ed. by Adam Hołub
Introduction - Adam Hołub
Wawrzyniec Konarski: Nation, minority, nationalism, religion - a reason for discussion about the ideas and connections between them
Grzegorz Janusz: Two-sided agreements about minotity rights as a new quality of protection of minorities in Europe at the turn of XX and XXI century
Andrzej Chodubski: National and ethnic distinction of Caucasus in modern unification and dispersion of the world
Tomasz Kuczur: Nation and nationalism and the civil society - the dilemmas of modern Europe
Adam Pomieciński: Nation and country in the process of globalization
Paweł Timofiejuk: National state and nation vs. globalization - relation analysis
Ewa Godlewska: Legal status of national minotities in Austria at the turn of XX and XXI century
Jacek Więcławski: Russians in Latvia - the problem of status and civic rights of Russian inhabitants of Latvia
Degefe Gemechu: Nationalism in Ethiopia
Adam Hołub: Extremist organizations of non-German national character, being active in BRD
Waldemar Możdżonek: Karaims - forgotten nations
Marek Melnyk: The phenomenon of Volodymyr Pilipovich
Magdalena Bartoś: The memory of Johann Gotfried Herder in Morag
Małgorzata Pietkiewicz: Freemason press in Poland after 1945
Ewa Gółrniak: Social, religious and national issues according to Stanislaw Stempowski