W naszym Instytucie można także podjąć naukę w języku angielskim.

Aktualnie oferujemy dwa kierunki:


International Relations – Global and Regional Perspective

- BA programme (I level, 6 semesters)

Download: BA study courses, description of subjects.

- MA programme (II level, 4 semesters)

Download: MA study courses, description of subjects.


Political Science - International Political and Economic Relations

- MA programme (II level, 4 semesters)


A graduate should have an extended – in relation to the first-degree studies – interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of international relations, particularly in the area of international economic, social, political and legal issues. A graduate should be able to analyse attitudes and behaviours of participants of political processes and their mutual relations and interactions with other subjects of social life and have knowledge and skills allowing him/her to make independent and in-depth analyses and syntheses of processes occurring in public life. He/she should know the theory and practice of international relations, as well as the theory and practice of political and economic decision-making. A graduate should have analytic and methodological skills, allowing him/her to be employed in positions which require conscious, rational and accurate assessments and opinions and should have instilled habits of personal responsibility and initiative. A graduate should have developed habits of life-long education and professional development and be prepared to take up research challenges and to continue education to the third-degree study level.

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Instytut Nauk Politycznych UWM
ul. Dybowskiego 13, 10-723 Olsztyn
tel. 89 524 63 66, 89 524 63 14
e-mail: inp@uwm.edu.pl

Wydział Nauk Społecznych UWM
ul. Dybowskiego 13, 10-723 Olsztyn
tel. 89 24 62 88; 89 524 62 39