powrót do strony głównej
prof. dr hab. inż. Iwona Konopka
Wykształcenie i aktywność zawodowa
Aktualne zainteresowania badawcze
Dorobek naukowy

Dorobek naukowy

Dorobek naukowy (wybrane publikacje z lat 2004-2007)

Konopka I., Fornal Ł., Dziuba M., Czaplicki S., Nałęcz D., 2007, Composition of proteins in wheat grain obtained by sieve classification. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (in press)

Markowski M., Konopka I., Cydzik R., Kozirok W., 2006, The influence of air temperature on the kinetics of drying and the quality of malting barley. Annual Review of Agricultural Engineering (in press)

Konopka I., Czaplicki S., Rotkiewicz D., 2006, Differences in content and composition of free lipids and carotenoids in flour of spring and winter wheat cultivated in Poland. Food Chemistry, 95: 290-300.

Tańska M., D. Rotkiewicz, W. Kozirok, I. Konopka, 2005, Measurement of the geometrical features and surface color of rapeseeds using digital image analysis. Food Research International, 38: 741-750.

Konopka I., Kozirok W., Tańska M., 2005, Wheat endosperm hardness. Part I. Relationships to colour of kernel cross-section. European Food Research and Technology, 220(1): 11-19.

Konopka I., Rotkiewicz D., Tańska M., 2005, Wheat endosperm hardness. Part II. Relationships to content and composition of flour lipids. European Food Research and Technology, 220(1): 20-24.

Skibniewska K.A., Fornal Ł., Konopka I., 2004, Uwalnianie żelaza i manganu z chleba w procesie trawienia in vitro. Roczn. PZH, 55, Suplement: 55-60.

Skibniewska K. A., K. Majewska, I. Konopka, J. Wieczorek, 2005, Badanie wpływu sposobu przygotowania ciasta na uwalnianie wybranych składników mineralnych. Bromat. Chem. Toksykol.-suplement: 413-416.

Konopka I., Ł. Fornal, D. Abramczyk, J. Rothkaehl, D. Rotkiewicz, 2004, Statistical evaluation of different technological and rheological tests of Polish wheat  varieties for bread volume prediction. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 39: 11-20.

Konopka I., J. Drzewiecki, 2004, Changes of chemical composition and dough rheology in two fractions of sieve-classified Polish spring wheat flour. Nahrung/Food, 48(2): 110-115.

Konopka I., W. Kozirok, D. Rotkiewicz, 2004, Lipids and carotenoids of wheat grain and flour and attempt of correlating them with digital image analysis of kernel surface and cross-sections. Food Research International, 37(5): 429-438.

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