Course regulations

The Regulations and Policies of Biochemistry with Elements of Chemistry Course
for the Students of Medical School at UWM in Olsztyn


  1. The internal regulations of the Department of Biochemistry are agreement with the STUDY REGULATIONS of UWM in Olsztyn.

  2. Classes are followed consistently according the study schedule confirmed by the Rector of the University.

  3. Biochemistry with elements of chemistry is two-semester course and is realized in the second semester (summer) on the 1st Year of study (20h Lectures, 15h Seminars and 45h Laboratory Classes) and in the third semester (winter) on the 2nd Year of study (20h Lectures, 15h Seminars and 55h Laboratory Classes). The final exam is scheduled to the winter examination session.

  4. All lectures, seminars and laboratory classes are obligatory. Any absence must be justified to a person conducting the classes at the first class after the cause of the absence is ceased with an appropriate attestation that participation in the classes was impossible (e.g.: a sick leave). No excuse of absences results in consequences that are described in the detailed regulations of the course (see: evaluation and condition of… credit).

  5. The student is obliged to arrive to the classes punctually. Being late results in an impossibility to participate in the classes.

  6. The attendance list for each group is constant – students may not change their workgroup without permission.

  7. During the all course class forms students should wear a badge with their first name and surname.

  8. According to prevailing custom students: should turn off of their cell phones on the beginning of classes and should not to leave teaching rooms without permission.

  9. During verifying the student’s theoretical knowledge (entry tests, unit tests or final exam) it is unacceptable to use any external sources of information, apart from a biochemical table and a calculator if it needed. When writing a test, only a test paper and a pen are allowed on the table. The use of any electronic devices allowing to copy the content of the exam or for communication with others (cell phones must be turned off every time!) or inappropriate behavior (talking, cheating, etc.) results in removal from the examination room and scores 0 points for his or her work. According to the regulations at the University against such student disciplinary action will be started.

  10. Assessment of knowledge and skills during the classes and the final exam is point-based (credit threshold – 70% of the maximum). On the end of semester and finally, students are to be evaluated according to the Polish University grading system. (5 = the best, and 2 = failed). Recalculation is to be as follows:

70 – 76% of the total – 3 (satisfactory)

77 – 82% of the total – 3+

83 – 88% of the total – 4 (good)

89 – 94% of the total – 4+

95 – 100% of the total – 5 (the best)


  1. Respective lectures last 2 teaching hours and include 10 classes in the summer semester and 10 classes in the winter semester (according to the student’s schedule)

  2. Students’ attendance to the lectures is obligatory and should be proved by personally signing of the attendance list (it is not allowed to make a sign for someone other).

  3. To obtain the final credit in the lectures, it is necessary to participate in the classes and pass all the Unit Tests


a) The course programme includes some big tests (so called: Unit Tests) covering the program from lectures. These are designed to prepare students for the final exam systematically.

Each test:

    • MCQ tests with 5 answers, or true-false test, matching test response, opened questions with a short answer.

    • about 40 questions; max. 40 points

    • passing score: 70% (28 points),

    • all the tests must be passed.

b) In the summer semester will take place 2 tests (16.IV.2015 and 28.V.2015)

In the winter semester will take place 4 tests (…)

Test retakes:

I retake (40 questions)in the next week after the first date.
II retake – The Conditional Test.

  • In the case when the student will not pass two or more of the tests (despite of retake), he or she has to write the conditional test (covering the program of the course in the whole semester; during the last week of the semester); passing score – 70%

  • Note: student loses the right to write a conditional test if she or he will not pass of 3 unit tests (despite of their retake).

c) Unexcused absence during the test or its retake results in the loss of chance for writing of it in another date and is equivalent to obtain 0 points.


  1. The individual laboratory classes last 4 teaching hours and include 11 classes in the summer semester and 14 classes in the winter semester (according to the student’s schedule).

  2. The student is obliged to possess and wear his or her own protective clothing and appropriate shoes during the classes. No appropriate clothing results in expelling the student from the classes (it results in 10 penalty points because of impossibility to take classes).

  3. The student is obliged to comply with the rules of occupational safety and health (OSH) at work. Lack of compliance to the rules of safe laboratory work results in expelling the student from the classes.

  4. Students’ attendance to the classes is obligatory (General Rules; p.6). In the case of any unjustified class absence, students score 10 negative points that are to be discounted from their total points scored within the semester.

  5. The student’s absence to the classes does not exempt him or her from theoretical examinations (entry tests). Taking the due tests must be done in the shortest time possible after the cause of the absence is ceases to exist.

  1. Laboratory work evaluation:

  • Theoretical evaluation of preparation for classes: entrance tests – about 7 questions for 7 points each time.

  • Practical evaluation of the laboratory classes execution: 1p. for practice execution + 2p. for results interpretation (= 3 points).

  • The report (aim, results, data analysis, interpretation) – to verification by a teacher

  • Each laboratory class: 10 points max (total in summer semester: 110 points, in winter semester: 130 points)

  • To obtain the final credit from lab classes (practical work) student have to accumulate 70% of the total points (77 p. in summer semester and 91p. in winter semester)

  • In the case of less than 70% of the whole points from the laboratory classes, each entrance test scored for less than 3 points needs to be improved.

  • In the case when student will obtain the score less than 70% of the total points from the laboratory classes, after writing the 1st retake from entrance tests, the student has the right to write the conditional test covering the program of the lab classes in the whole semester (during the last week of the semester), passing score – 70%


  1. The individual seminar classes last 2 teaching hours and include 8 classes in the summer semester and 8 classes in the winter semester (according to the student’s schedule)

  2. Students’ attendance to the classes is obligatory (General Rules; p.6). In the case of unjustified class absence, students score
    5 negative points that are to be discounted from their total points scored within the semester.

  3. The student’s absence to the classes does not exempt him or her from theoretical examinations (small tests). Taking the due tests must be done in the shortest time possible after the cause of the absence is ceases to exist.

  1. Seminar classes work conducting and evaluation:

a) During seminars students will be discuss selected problems of biochemistry within the scope of human health and diseases (prepared by a teacher; 1-3 problems per one class)

b) Respective students (“experts” – 1 or 2 persons) will prepare an oral presentation (Power Point, 97-2003 format is recommended) on a selected problem and deliver it during a seminar class in a strictly determined date. Student will lose the chance to obtain a 10 points in the case of his absence in this day.

c) Electronical copy of presentation should be left for the teacher.

d) Each presentation is to be evaluated (1 – 10 points) according to the criteria given below:

    • including all the required details of the problem – 7 points

    • presenting the problem clearly and understandably – 2 points

    • aesthetics and preparing a presentation in accordance with the requirements for presenting a scientific problem – 1 points (look at guidance – points 2, 3, 4)

e) Each student is to be prepared to discuss all the obligatory topics during respective seminars.

f) Students are to expect a test verifying their command of the material covering the current seminar:

    • MCQ tests with 5 answers, or true-false test, matching test response, opened questions with a short answer,

    • 5 or 6 points each time (max. 40 p. in the semester) .

g) To obtain the final credit in the seminars, it is necessary to obtain a score min. 70% of the total of max. 50 points (the tests: max. 40 points + the presentations: max. 10 points): semester passing score: 35p

h) Tests retakes: students who have not scored 70% of the points in the semester have to write a conditional test (covering the programme of the seminars in the whole semester); passing score – 70% (during the last week of the semester)


  1. No the acceptance for the final exam is to be granted, to students who:

    a) have not scored 70% of the total points as their final results from the respective classes types (i.e.: will failed of one or more: lectures, seminars or lab classes)

    b) have not attended, due to justified reasons, to more than 50% of the obligatory classes.

  1. The final exam is to be in a written form and to include closed and open (descriptive) questions covering the obligatory material - about 150 questions (MCQ tests with 5 answers, or true-false test, matching test response, opened questions with a short answer)

  2. The passing score is 60% or higher.

  3. Student should come properly dressed on the final exam.

  4. Personal items (like: jackets, bags, cell phones) should be left outside the examination hall.

Zespół Biochemii Medycznej Badań Peptydów i Białek WBiB UWM Olsztyn