Daniel Żuromski

Searching for the Origins of Philosophical Thinking on the Basis of the Concepts of Robert Brandom and Michael Tomasello

W poszukiwaniu źródeł filozoficznego myślenia na gruncie koncepcji Roberta Brandoma i Michaela Tomasello

About author

Daniel ŻuromskiNicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Key words

conceptual nature of philosophy, semantic inferentialism, pragmatism about conceptual content, shared intentionality, thinking as cooperation, evolutionary psychology


The main idea of the presented considerations is the combination of three ideas: firstly, the idea of philosophy as having a conceptual nature in a broad sense, and containing the autonomous field of inquiry, which are concepts, and which we will call philosophy as a conceptual activity. Secondly, the idea that the origin of the conceptuality or conceptual content is a social practice whose model is the idea of a game of giving and asking for reasons, i.e. Robert Brandom’s semantic inferentialism. Thirdly, the psychological concept of basic cognitive abilities, underlying the social practice, which generates the conceptual content – the game of giving and asking for reasons, i.e. Michael Tomasello’s hypothesis of shared intentionality, and his conception of thinking as a form of cooperation.

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• BazHum
• Platforma Otwartej Nauki / Platforma Internetowa ICM
• PhilPapers
• Baza Agro

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