The Prof. full Dariusz KOZERAWSKI (Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn)) in days 17-19 April 2018 participated in The 18th Annual Conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group on the subject: „Alliance planning and coalition warfare: historical and contemporary approaches” organized in Belgrade by Serbian Institute of Strategic Research and Austrian Military Museum under the auspices of PfP Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes.

The representative of the Institute of Political Science within the framework of of the conference presented the paper on the subject: „The Polish Military Forces in NATO multinational operations – strategic threats and chances”, enriched with the multimedial presentation, besides he was moderator one of plenary sessions.

The prof. Dariusz Kozerawski in its own report used results of its own unique research realised in zones of war- and of stabilization activities in Afghanistan, Iraq, on Balcans and Caucasus – what came with the large interest of conferees. In this prestige scientific event, the participation was taken by research workers from 18 states, in this from such institutions as: Institute for Contemporary History of University of Vienna in Vienna (Austria), Ministers of Defense-History Office in Paris (France), Hellenic Commission Military History in Athens (Greece), Institute and Museum of Military History in Budapest (Hungary), Institute for Political Studies of Defense and Military History in Bucharest (Rumania), Military Museum of Slovenian Armed Forces in Lubliana (Slovenia), US Army of Passes to the centre-forward of Military History in Washington (U.S.A.), History Office of US Army V Corps in Heidelberg (Germany), the Bar Ilan University (Israel), Ministry of Defence (Georgia), Military History Institute (Germany), Başkent University (Ankara-Turkey), Institute for Strategic Research (Serbia) and other centres/institutions leading research thematically connected with the problems of the conference.