The prof. Dariusz Kozerawski (the head of the Department of Threats and Security Policies, the Institute of Political Science, the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn) in days 16-17 May 2018 participated in the international scientific conference - Current issues relating to recruitment and stabilisation of personnel in the armed forces - organized by the by the Chair of Social Sciences of Academy of Armed Forces them. Gen. M. R. Stefanika in Liptowsky Mikulaš (Slovakia), with participation: Police Academy in Bratislava, Pedagogical University of Krakow, University of Wroclaw, College of Public and Individual Security in Krakow, Police Academy in Szczytno.

The prof. Dariusz Kozerawski as a member of Scientific Council gave the paper on the topic: Recruitment and management of personnel in armed forces - strategic threats and chances, enriched with the Power-Point presentation. Moreover he was a chairman of the plenary scientific session. In that prestige conference the explorers and experts took part from centers and academic institutions connected with the problems of the international security from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and the Ukraine.