In the framework of Erasmus + Programme, Staff Mobility, between 21st and 25th May 2018, Professor dr Ferhat Pirincci form Uludag Univesity in Bursa, Turkey visited Institute of Political Science, UWM.

Mr Pirincci gave 5 lectures considering the Middle East issues such as the role of Turkey in the region, war in Syria, terrorism and the proliferation of weapon of massive destruction. The lectures were attended by national security students, both levels.

On 22sd May Professor Princci met vice-director of Institute of Political Science dr hab. Marcin Chełminiak. They talked about future plans such as scientific cooperation between institutions. The coordinator of Mr Pirincci stay in Olsztyn was Miss Magdalena Kumelska.

Professor dr Ferhat Princci is specialized in international relations, especially Middle East security, American Foreign Policy, WMD proliferation.

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