
Wykaz ważniejszych publikacji
  1. Markowski, M. Białobrzewski, I., Modrzewska, A. 2010. Kinetics of spouted-bed drying of barley: Diffusivities for sphere and ellipsoid. Journal of Food Engineering, 96 (3), 380-387.
  2. Białobrzewski, I., Danowska-Oziewicz, M., Karpińska-Tymoszczyk, M., Nalepa, B., Markowski, M., Myhan, R. 2010. Turkey breast roasting - Process optimization. Journal of Food Engineering, 96 (3), 394-400.
  3. Markowski, M., Bondaruk, J., Błaszczak, W. 2009. Rehydration behavior of vacuum-microwave dried potato cubes.Drying Technology, 27(2), 296–305.
  4. Zielińska, M., Cenkowski, S., Markowski, M. 2009. Superheated Steam Drying of Distillers' Spent Grains on a Single Inert Particle. Drying Technology. An International Journal, 27(12), 1279 - 1285.
  5. Zielińska, M., Markowski, M. 2009. Air Drying Characteristics of Carrots. Chemical Engineering and Processing. (doi:10.1016/j.cep.2009.12.005).
  6. Sadowska, J., Białobrzewski, I., Jeliński, T., Markowski, M. 2009. Effect of fat content and storage time on the rheological properties of Dutch-type cheese. Journal of Food Engineering, 94 (3-4), 254-259.
  7. Zielińska, M., Markowski, M. 2009. Effect of Blanching, Drying and Rehydration on Color Characteristics of Carrots. 2009. International Journal of Food Properties. (złożono do druku: 2 grudzień, 2009).
  8. Konopka I., Markowski M., Tańska M., Żmojda M., Małkowski, M., Białobrzewski I. 2008. Image and some quality attributes of malting barley grain dried with infrared radiation and in a spouted bed. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 43: 2047-2055.
  9. Białobrzewski, I., Zielińska, M., Mujumdar, A.S., Markowski, M. 2008. Heat and Mass Transfer during Drying of a Bed of Shrinking Particles – Simulation for Carrot Cubes Dried in a Spout-Fluidized-Bed Drier. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 51: 4704 – 4716.
  10. Efremov, G., Markowski, M., Białobrzewski, I., Zielińska, M. 2008. Approach to Calculation Time-Dependent Moisture Diffusivity for Thin Layered Biological Materials. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 35: 1069 – 1072.
  11. Bondaruk, J., Markowski, M., Błaszczak, W. 2007. Effect of drying conditions on the quality of vacuum-microwave dried potato cubes. Journal of Food Engineering, 81: 306–312.
  12. Markowski, M., Białobrzewski, I., Bowszys, J., Suchecki, S. 2007. Simulation of temperature distribution in stored wheat without aeration, Drying Technology, 25(9): 1523–1532.
  13. Markowski M., Sobieski, W., Konopka, I., Tańska, M., Białobrzewski, I. 2007. Drying Characteristics of Barley Grain Dried in a Spouted-Bed and Combined IR-Convection Dryers, Drying Technology, 25: 1621–1632.
  14. Zielińska, M., Markowski, M. 2007. Drying Behavior of Carrots Dried in a Spout-Fluidized Bed Drier. Drying Technology, 25: 261-270.
  15. Markowski, M., Ratajski, A., Konopko, H., Zapotoczny, P., Majewska, K. 2006. Rheological behavior of hot-air-puffed amaranth seeds. International Journal of Food Properties. 9, 195-203
  16. Markowski, M., Stankiewicz, I., Zapotoczny, P., Borowska, J. 2006. Effect of variety on drying characteristics and selected quality attributes of dried carrots. Drying Technology. 24, 1011–1018.
  17. Zielińska, M., Zapotoczny, P., Markowski, M. 2005. Colour Standard and Homogenous Groups of Dried Carrots of 34 Commercial Varieties. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, 14/55,1, 51–56.
  18. Białobrzewski, I., Markowski M. 2004. Mass transfer in the celery slice: effects of temperature, moisture content and density on water diffusivity. Drying Technology, 22(7), 1777-1789.
  19. Markowski M., Cenkowski S., Hatcher D.W, Dexter J.E., Edwards N.M. 2003. The effect of superheated-steam dehydration dynamics on textural properties of Asian noodles. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(2), 389-395.
  20. Zapotoczny P., Markowski M., Majewska K., 2003. The quality of Cucumbers stored under hypobaric conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 600, 193-196.

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