Volume 15, 2013 r., pp. 540

Political Leadership in Poland and in the World

ed. by Maciej Hartliński

ISBN: 978-83-89559-24-1



Jerzy Sielski: Leadership – prestige – charisma

Agnieszka Turska-Kawa: Political leadership as a result of the interaction between the leader and his followers

Przemysław Żukiewicz: Institution of the president vs. presidential leadership – what is the difference

Paweł Woroniecki: Discoursive leadership in terms of mass culture

Radomir Miński: Oligarhical leadership and its social conditions according to Robert Michels’ Political parties

Maciej Hartliński Trends in research on political leadership. Quantitative analysis on the example of polish edited volumes

Polska polityka wschodnia a współpraca zagraniczna województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego

pod. red. Wojciecha Kotowicza, Wojciecha Tomasza Modzelewskiego i Arkadiusza Żukowskiego

INP UWM, Olsztyn 2013, ss. 362.

ISBN 978-8389-559-28-9


Wstęp _ 15

Selim Chazbijewicz: Polska polityka wschodnia w latach 1989–2012. Próba systematyzacji i całościowego ujęcia _ 17

Olga Wasiuta: Rosja-Polska: założenia, warunki i perspektywy normalizacji stosunków _ 25

Геннадий В. Кретинин, Татьяна Е. Осташкова: Малое приграничное передвижение: исторические аспекты международного сотрудничества и современность _ 47

Arkadiusz Żukowski: Mały ruch graniczny między Polską a Rosją – wstępne konkluzje _ 55

Piotr Solarz: Prawne uwarunkowania współpracy transgranicznej w Polsce _ 65

Wojciech Tomasz Modzelewski: Kierunki geograficzne aktywności międzynarodowej województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego _ 85

Виктор М. Романовский, Ольга Г. Романовская: Приграничное сотрудничество как инструмент европейской интеграции: пример калининградского эксклава _ 95

Maciej Zasada: Współpraca między Sejmikiem Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego i Kaliningradzką Dumą Obwodową _ 101

Maryana Prokop: Współpraca województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego z obwodem rówieńskim – aspekt prawny, przebieg i perspektywy współpracy _ 107

Wojciech Kotowicz: Problem Zalewu Wiślanego i Cieśniny Piławskiej w relacjach polsko-rosyjskich – historia i współczesność _ 121

Tomasz Bojarowicz: Koncepcja przekopu Mierzei Wiślanej i jej wpływ na relacje polsko-rosyjskie _ 141

Adam Hołub: Polsko-rosyjska współpraca w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego w ramach Partnerstwa dla Pokoju – Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) _ 155

Marzena Brzychcy, Beata Kosiba: Perspektywy współpracy transgranicznej na rzecz ochrony środowiska naturalnego Bałtyku _ 167

Joanna Zielińska-Szczepkowska, Izabela Zabielska: Dotychczasowe wykorzystanie środków z Programu Współpracy Transgraniczej Litwa–Polska _ 177

Beata Woźniak-Krawczyk: Polsko-ukraińska współpraca wojskowa _ 195

Sergiusz Wasiuta: Polityka zagraniczna Polski szansą europeizacji Ukrainy _ 205

Sylwia Maria Zakrzewska: Miejsce Białorusi w Europejskiej Polityce Sąsiedztwa _ 237

Natalia Olszanecka: Polityka Polski wobec państw Kaukazu Południowego _ 251

Edita Puklich: Cele i priorytety polityki rządu III RP wobec Polaków na Wschodzie _ 265

Krzysztof Żęgota: Znaczenie diaspory polskiej Obwodu Kaliningradzkiego FR w relacjach polsko-rosyjskich _ 273

Krzysztof Gładkowski: Kaliningrad – Königsberg – Królewiec – trzy narracje, czy potrzebna czwarta? _ 285

Katarzyna Maciejewska-Mieszkowska: Obraz Obwodu Kaliningradzkiego Federacji Rosyjskiej w audycjach Polskiego Radia Olsztyn _ 311

Wojciech Kotowicz: Metodologiczne i teoretyczne problemy politycznej regionalistyki _ 323

Piotr Dubiński: Zastosowanie coachingowego modelu GROW w analizie Dyrektywy UE „3 x 20 + 10” _ 337

Iwona Galewska: Kategoria efektywności w polityce zagranicznej _ 349

Noty o autorach _ 361

Degefe Kebede Gemechu

United Nations peacekeeping missions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Theory and practice

INP UWM, Olsztyn 2013, ss. 342

ISBN: 978-83-89559-33-3

Table of Contents

Introduction  15


The Role of the United Nations in Maintaining Peace and Security 41

1.1. Origins and Concepts of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission 41

1.2. The Security Council Power and Responsibility 49

1.3. The Role of the General Assembly  54

1.4. Financing Peacekeeping Operations 59

1.5. Contribution of Poland to the Peacekeeping Operations in Africa  62

1.6. Conclusion 74


The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo 77

2.1. Background of the First Congo Crisis (1960–1966) 78

2.2. The United Nations Operation Mandate in the Congo (ONUC) 81

2.3. The Death of The Secretary-General and the Katanga Negotiation 91

2.4. The Second Congo War and the Role of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission 96

2.5. “First African World War” and Its Consequences 99

2.6. The Lusaka Agreement 103

2.7. Deployment of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission 105

2.8. Conclusion 116


The Rwanda Genocide and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR)  119

3.1. Background of the Conflict in Rwanda 119

3.2. The United Nations Observer Mission Uganda–Rwanda (UNOMUR)  121

3.3. The Arusha Comprehensive Peace Agreement  124

3.4. The United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) and Its Mandate 125

3.5. Establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) 137

3.6. Conclusion  146

CHAPTER 4 The United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) 149

4.1. Historical Background to the Conflict 150

4.2. The Border Dispute and Eruption of War 153

4.3. Efforts of Resolving the Conflict Peacefully by the United Nations Security Council and Organization of African Unity (OAU)  156

4.4. The OAU Peace Process Effort 157

4.5. The United Nations Security Council Recommendations  160

4.6. The Establishment of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) 163

4.7. Cessation of Hostilities and the Algiers Peace Agreement 178

4.6. Conclusion 186


The United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNAMIS) and the African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) 189

5.1. Background to the North-South and Darfur Conflict  189

5.2. The Machakos Peace Process and Its Outcome 194

5.3. Deployment of the Peacekeeping Forces  199

5.4. The Challenge of the United Nations to End Sexual Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations 206

5.5. The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) 213

5.6. The Republic of South Sudan Independence and Establishment of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) 216

5.6. The Crisis in Darfur and the Role of the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) 219

5.8. Conclusion 232


The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) 235

6.1. The Root Cause of the Conflict in Liberia 235

6.2. Cooperation of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) with the United Nations  237

6.3. Child Soldiers in the Liberian Conflict  248

6.4. Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation  251

6.5. Conclusion  251


The United Nations Mission in Côte d’Ivoire (MINUCI) 253

7.1. Origin of the Conflict  253

7.2. Regional Peacekeeping Operation Efforts  255

7.3. The United Nations Pressure Towards Peace  257

7.4. Holding Free and Peaceful Elections  263

7.5. Conclusion  268


Other Past and Present United Nations Missions in Sub-Saharan Africa 271

8.1. The United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) and Its Origin  271

8.2. Establishment of the United Nations Angola Veryfication Mission I (UNAVEM I)  280

8.3. The United Nations Operation in Burundi (ONUB) 285

8.4. The United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) 291

8.5. The United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM)  296

8.6. The United Nations Transition Assistance Group in Namibia (UNTAG) 308

8.7. Conclusion 312

Conclusion 315

Bibliography 325

The Right in Poland and in the World in 20th and 21st century

Edited by Selim Chazbijewicz, Marcin Chełminiak, Tomasz Gajowniczek

"Studies of Political Science" volume 3, Olsztyn 2013

ISBN: 978-83-89559-27-2



Table of contents and introduction.

Volume 14, 2012, pp. 317

Volume 14

Political Science at the Christian Social and Political Thought

edited by. Zdzisław Kunicki


Full texts: http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/

Table of contents:

Introduction- Zdzisław Kunicki - 9

PartI - Biblical Aspects

Michał Wojciechowski: Biblical Opinions on the State - 17

Bogdan W. Matysiak: Organizational and Social Structure of Israel before Becoming a State - 39

Aleksandra Nalewaj: The Roman Imperial Cult in the Light of the New Testament and Non Biblical Testimonies - 57

Jan B. Bocian SVD: The Idea of Power in the Biblical Tradition and Teaching - 85

Part II - Philosophical Aspects

Dorota Sepczyńska: Towards a "Ennobling of Democracy" - 115

Zdzisław Kieliszek: Priority of Freedom above Equality as a Principle of Democracy. Between the Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Paul II - 143

François-Xavier Amherdt: Christians and Politics according to Paul Ricoeur - 183


"The Political Science Forum" is a series (ISSN 1734-1698) publishing by Institute of Political Science UWM in Olsztyn.

The intention of the editor of the series and editors board "The Political Science Forum" is to be the voice of Olsztyn's political scientists and cooperating in research on modern scientific discourse, including the current, the problems of the world. The intention is to address these problems, which are not perceived or not taken into account by the mass media.

"Forum" at The Central European Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanities (CEJSH).

Already issued the following volumes:

The "Studies of Political Science" series (ISSN 1731-2299) is meant to present the outcomes of conferences, symposia, and panel meetings organised by the INP, as well as the results of research undertaken both individually and co-operatively by the Institute staff members and academics from other centres around the country and from abroad. Designed to accomplish both scientific and didactic aims, the series is addressed not only to the scientific circles but also to students. The volumes of the series are to constitute an important complement of the handbook knowledge acquired by students of political science and international relations, as well as students of other related fields of study. Most importantly, the series is intended as a forum for academic discussion of the current challenges and dangers in the contemporary world.


The Face of Political Science in Olsztyn; 10 years of the Institute of Political Science University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Edited by Janusz Filipkowski, Tomasz Gajowniczek, Beata Kosiba and Danuta Radziszewska-Szczepaniak