
dr Grażyna Kobrzeniecka-Sikorska

Historian of art. 1983 - finished of art history on Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan; 1999 - defended the doctorate at Historical Department of Warsaw University. Assistant professor at Institute of Fine Arts, head of Workshop of Theory of Art. She is giving lectures on the art history and graduation colloquium. Promoteur of over 100 theses. She specializes in the art of the eastern Christianity, particularly in the icon painting and the heritage of Warmia and Masuria, the Olsztyn fine arts. The organizer and the participant in numerous scientific conferences. The author and the editor of many publications. Most important: Ikony staroobrzędowców w zbiorach Muzeum Warmii i Mazur (1993), Ikona, kult, polityka. Rosyjskie ikony maryjne od drugiej połowy XVII wieku (2000); Wizerunki carów rosyjskich. Między ikoną a portretem. (2007); Artystyczne i duchowe oblicze ikony (2007).