W cieniu Akcji Wisła. Ukraińcy we współczesnej Polsce

pod red. Marka Melnyka

INP UWM, Olsztyn 2009

ISBN 978-8389559-40-1

Spis treści:


Część I Utracone dziedzictwo?

Володимир Пилипович: Невідомий український богосов XVII ст. Теодозій Рудницький-Любенецкий, єпископ луцький та острозький

Norbert Morawiec: Między słowianowfilską antykatolicką ideologią narodową a moskalofilską chłopomanią. "Staroruska" wizja dziejów unii brzeskiej w pracy Iwana Naumowicza pt. "Pięćdziesięciolecie (1839-1889) zjednoczenia z prawosławną Cerkwią zachodnio-ruskich unitów"

Jarosław Moskałyk: Sobór zdrady z 1946 toku

Część II W rzeczywistości przesiedlenia

Bożena Domagała: Rozważania o stereotypie Ukraińca w Polsce

Anna Korzeniewska-Lasota: Ukraińska działalność społeczno-kulturalna na Warmii i Mazurach (1952-1970)

Vol. 7, 2008, pp. 424

Vol. 7

Leaders and leadership in contemporary Africa, ed. by Arkadiusz Żukowski



Introduction - Arkadiusz Żukowski

Maciej Hartliński: Theoretical aspects of political leadership in Africa's context

Rev. Jacek J. Pawlik: Lineage authority in Africa - between the rule of kinship

Degefe Gemechu: Lifelong political leadership and conflicts in Africa

Tomasz Klin: Leadership crisis of the RSA in Southern Africa

Rev. Adam Romejko: The ruling elite of the modern Algeria

Marcin W. Solarz: An outline history of the role of the land reform in the struggle for supreme power in Zimbabwe, 2000-2002

Vol. 8, 2008, pp. 542

Vol. 8

Contemporary Far East in International Relations - Competition and Power
ed. by Degefe Kebede Gemechu


Introduction - Degefe Kebede Gemechu

Paweł Sokala: Chinese Regional Strategy

Anna Kuflikowska: The New Border Politics of China

Jarosław Blaszczak: Ten Years of the Chinese Hong Kong (1997-2007)

Piotr Trzaskowski: Chinese Focus on the Strategy of Central Asia: The 21st Century Silk Route

Paweł Adamiec: Chinese Military Modernization

Degefe Kebede Gemechu: Chinese Policy on Africa: The Strategy of Five Principles

Bliskie sąsiedztwo - dalekie sojusze

pod red. Macieja Hartlińskiego, Adama Hołuba i Karoliny Tybuchowskiej-Hartlińskiej

INP UWM, Olsztyn 2008

ISBN 978-8389559-25-8

Publikacja zawiera artykuły wygłoszone podczas IV Ogólnopolskiego Studenckiego Forum Naukowego zorganizowanego przez Koło Naukowe Politologów przy INP UWM.

Vol. 6, 2007, pp. 305

Vol 6

Kinds of Political Discourse

ed. by Paweł Woroniecki



Introduction - Paweł Woroniecki

Part I - Towards the "Ritual Chaos"

Olga Wasiuta: Is Crime of Genocide during 1932-1033 only Myth?

Daniel Dydak: Time and History in the Discourse of Symbolic Elites in Histuarium adversus paganos by Orosius

Part II - Discours of "Social Drama"

Justyna Chłodna: The Role of Communist Past in Polish Political Discourse

Agnieszka Klarman: Criminal Law as a Political Matter


"The Political Science Forum" is a series (ISSN 1734-1698) publishing by Institute of Political Science UWM in Olsztyn.

The intention of the editor of the series and editors board "The Political Science Forum" is to be the voice of Olsztyn's political scientists and cooperating in research on modern scientific discourse, including the current, the problems of the world. The intention is to address these problems, which are not perceived or not taken into account by the mass media.

"Forum" at The Central European Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanities (CEJSH).

Already issued the following volumes:

The "Studies of Political Science" series (ISSN 1731-2299) is meant to present the outcomes of conferences, symposia, and panel meetings organised by the INP, as well as the results of research undertaken both individually and co-operatively by the Institute staff members and academics from other centres around the country and from abroad. Designed to accomplish both scientific and didactic aims, the series is addressed not only to the scientific circles but also to students. The volumes of the series are to constitute an important complement of the handbook knowledge acquired by students of political science and international relations, as well as students of other related fields of study. Most importantly, the series is intended as a forum for academic discussion of the current challenges and dangers in the contemporary world.


The Face of Political Science in Olsztyn; 10 years of the Institute of Political Science University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Edited by Janusz Filipkowski, Tomasz Gajowniczek, Beata Kosiba and Danuta Radziszewska-Szczepaniak