Projekt finansowany w ramach programu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego pod nazwą "Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych", nr umowy 412/WCN/2019/1. Środki finansowe na realizację projektu w latach 2019–2020 wynoszą 83 294 zł.

Protection Policy

Protection policy against the practices of ghostwriting and guest authorship

(adapted from materials of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

Ghostwriting means that one or more authors, having made an important contribution to the article, are not mentioned as co-author(s). This also concerns not mentioning the role of persons having contributed in one or the other way to the publication.

Guest authorship (honorary authorship) means that a person is mentioned as the author or co-author of an article without having contributed at all to the article.

To prevent cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship, the author/authors of manuscripts is/are obliged to:

  1. disclose the input of each author to the text (specifying their affiliations and contributions, i.e. who is the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used during the preparation of the text). The author who submits the manuscript bears most of the responsibility;
  2. disclose information about the funding sources for the article, the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities.

This information will remain confidential and will not affect the decision to publish the manuscript.

The author's declaration (copy, scan) should be sent to:

The Editors warn that all detected cases of scientific misconduct will be exposed.

What is more, appropriate entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of science editors, etc.) will be notified.

The Editors emphasize that all cases of scientific misconduct (particularly violations of ethical standards applicable in science) will be documented.