Projekt finansowany w ramach programu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego pod nazwą "Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych", nr umowy 412/WCN/2019/1. Środki finansowe na realizację projektu w latach 2019–2020 wynoszą 83 294 zł.

No. 7 2004

Stanisław Białousz, Stefan Cacoń, Michał Czech, Idzi Gajderowicz, Janusz Kapuściński, Tadeusz Rawa, Robert Rowiński, Andrzej Seweryn, Bogusław Szot, Kazimierz Szulborski, Zdzisław Wójcicki, Bogdan Żółkowski

Application of Geostatistics to Evaluation of Penetrometric Measurements

Author: Jozef Bajla
Keywords: evaluation of tillage technologies, penetration measurements, geostatistics, geostatistical methods, Surfer program

Stabilization of oat Groats by Infrared Treatment

Authors: Stefan Cenkowski, Alison R. Bale, William E. Muir, Noel D. G. White, Susan D. Arntfield
Keywords: oat groats, micronization, infrared heating, enzyme inactivation, peroxidase

Processing Conditions for Micronization of Peas (Pisum sativum) and an in-vitro evaluation of the product

Authors: Susan D. Arntfield, Mark Z. Zhang, C. Martin Nyachoti, Wilhelm Guenter, Stefan Cenkowski
Keywords: micronization, feed, starch gelatinization, viscosity, available lysine

Comparison of several vegetation indices calculated on the basis of a seasonal SPOT XS time series, and their suitability for land cover and agricultural crop identification

Authors: Marek Mróz, Anna Sobieraj
Keywords: vegetation indices, crop identification, SPOT XS

Effects of Casings and Canopy Dividers Installed in a Spraying Unit on Rapeseed Losses During Desiccation

Authors: Dariusz Choszcz, Zdzisław Kaliniewicz, Stanisław Konopka, Adam Lipiński, Piotr Markowski, Tadeusz Rawa
Keywords: rapeseed, desiccation, rapeseed losses, casings, canopy dividers

Temperature Distribution in Seed Mass Stored in a Metallic Silo Immediately After Harvest

Authors: Janusz Bowszys, Jan Grabowski, Jarosław Tomczykowski
Keywords: silos, grain storage, temperatures, solar radiation

Power sources and means of transport in agriculture of the Warmia and Mazury region in Poland

Author: Jan Pawlak
Keywords: tractor, truck, trailer, harvester thresher, equipment, Warmia and Mazury region, Poland

Crack Resistance of Concrete at Transverse Displacement

Authors: Jurij Orlowski, Dariusz Leszczewski, Jurij Pawluk
Keywords: concrete, crack resistance, stress intensity factor

Stability of Polymer Sulfur Concrete With Steel Reinforcement

Authors: Jurij Orlowski, Mariusz Leszczewski, Igor Margal
Keywords: Concrete, corrosion of steel, reinforcement, sulfur concrete

Modelling of Deformations During Construction of a Large Earth Dam in the La Grande Complex, Canada

Authors: Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski, Michel Massiéra
Keywords: Deformation and stress modelling, earth dam, geotechnical parameters

Theoretical Minimum Value of PDOP Determination

Author: Sławomir Cellmer
Keywords: pseudolites, GPS, The Nelder-Mead Simplex Method

Some Concepts of Processing Big Spatial Data Sets

Authors: Krzysztof Bojarowski, Dariusz Gościewski
Keywords: big data set, digital terrain model, spatial information system

Ecological Aspects of Motor Vehicle Operation

Authors: Stanisław Niziński, Krzysztof Ligier
Keywords: operation system, ecology, diagnostic system, maintenance of technical objects, recycling

Singular Stress Fields in the Vicinity of a Sharp Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix

Authors: Andrzej Blinowski, Aleksandra Wieromiej
Keywords: elastic wedge, stress singularity

Changes in Selected Structural Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloys

Authors: Teodor Breczko, Krzysztof Kuś, Janusz Szczepanek
Keywords: TiNi and TiNiCu alloys, shape memory, thermal and mechanical loads, annealing, X-ray diffraction measurements, structural characteristics

Measurement of Elements of the Matrix of Piezoelectric Coefficients in a Ferroelectric Single Crystal

Authors: Teodor Breczko, Andrzej Lempaszek
Keywords: ferroelectric single crystals, piezoelectric coefficients, strains, X-ray diffraction, measurements

Crystallographic and Microstructural Properties of the Ni 2,14 Mn 0,86 Ga Alloy

Authors: Teodor Breczko, Mirosław Bramowicz
Keywords: shape memory alloys, magnetic shape memory, Heusler alloys, Ni-Mn-Ga

Study of Selected Physical and Structural Properties in the Process of Primary Crystallization in the Fe-Cu-Si-B Amorphous Alloy

Authors: Teodor Breczko, Adam Frączyk
Keywords: amorphous alloys, nanocrystalline alloys, structural parameters